Hi I brought myself a nebulizer but found out I have to ask my doctor for a prescription for I'm worried he will refuse I have chest infection after chest infection can he refuse me many thanks x
Docter: Hi I brought myself a nebulizer... - Lung Conditions C...

I have budesonide and ipratropium nebs. Nobody refused but I have LAM so I supposed it all helps with breathlessness. Doctors seem to prefer inhalers these days because of oral thrush. I like my nebs when I feel congested. Good luck with your appointment xx

I'm on three inhales thanks for your reply
Sadly yes gp can refuse to prescribe meds for nebuliser. Suggest you go speak to gp and are clear as to why you feel it would benefit you. One thing to be clear on is that you know when you should call for an ambulance or medical help. One reason GPs won't agree to home meds is because of concerns that person won't "call for help" when required.
I have cold and empasema I had a ct scan not long ago was toldihad aggressive copd and mild empasema but the last 4 months I have had chest infection after chest infection I can't even go and put the kettle with out stopping and doing my breathing excise iv lost a lotof weight as I find it hard to breath sorry for going on just hoping my soccer will give me the meds so Ivan use my nebulizer
That's what I thought its the same the nurse told me to but the consultant I saw at hospital saidmild emphysema when she had my ct scan results but every chest infection I get my doctor keeps giving me antibiotics but they never work brick wall comes to mine. Was told my lung function was low she didn't tell me a number I'm not a person who finds it easy to ask what they mean I wish I was
I would probably have discussed the proposed purchase with the doctor before spending the money.
GPs are exactly that, general practitioners, some are very good and experienced in their chosen speciality often ENT or gynaecology or cardiology, but admit that they do not know about other things and look it up. My last GP, excellent chap, admitted he didn't know about my heart problem but was prepared to learn. He also pointed out that it was possible to be qualified with the lowest possible mark. Often the better they are the more they will admit they are not sure. The best thing you could do is to ask for a second opinion, as you are entitled to, and go from there. The consultant should be able to decide what is best and your GP can then follow their advice without having to admit they might have been mistaken and thus losing 'face'. Good luck.
Actually repeat infections can indeed be a feature of COPD as many of our members can testify. However this is sometimes the result of an infection not being properly cleared and so needs further chasing up with the GP for appropriate antibiotics.
I will thank you I have an appointment for tomorrow