my niece has been diagnosed with TB . They have given her 30ml of medicine to take , took one and half hours today to drink it . she is very upset. Spoke to doctor , she said that there is 5mg which she could take but it is too expensive ?
TB in 5 year old: my niece has been... - Lung Conditions C...
TB in 5 year old

In the morning phone up and say she needs the 5mg as is refusing the cheaper medicine, I am astonished at your daughter's treatment, her feelings are paramount to her getting well again. Good luck and I hope she is back to full health soon, huff x
I agree with huffapuffa she's only young and to have TB its slowly creeping back
thank you for replying , I insisted today that they should give her the 5mg , but they said that it costs too much . So if I say it again in the morning , they will give me the same reply . My niece is very upset .
If they refuse you again on those grounds start the official complaints procedure.
Hi calderdale. I agree with huffer puffer. It is imperative that your niece has her treatment. TB is a notifiable disease, very serious and your niece needs the best treatment immediately. I'm sorry but I just don't buy the 'too expensive' story. What on earth is the doctor talking about.
She needs what she needs. As you say 5mg, this may be in tablet or capsule form which is not always easy for a little one to swallow. In any case, do get her back to the GP, don't take no for an answer and don't leave without getting medication that she can tolerate.
In the case of liquid medicine I always found that lots of bribery and corruption ( treats alongside the horrible medicine) did help to get it down.
good look I really feel for you.

Thank you . Tried everything today to get her to drink the 30mg . A lot of liquid , especially if it doesnt taste nice. took one and half hours for her to eventually take it , after which she was very distressed .
yes it is a lot of liquid and little ones don't understand why it is so important to take it. In effect your doctor is refusing to treat your niece for a notifiable disease that is a public health hazard because she cannot tolerate what she is given and he/she is refusing to give an acceptable alternative. I'm sorry but after you have asked the doctor how they expect to cure this child of this terrible disease if she can't take the medicine and they are refusing her the alternative, you will have to get very assertive. If they still refuse the 5mg insist there and then on the forms for an official complaint. There doesn't seem to be any other option. My only other thought is that if she was diagnosed at a hospital you can go back to the consultant who diagnosed it and ask them to prescribe and tell your GP to give the drug to your niece. I have a feeling that probably she was diagnosed at the GPs.
I cannot tell you how angry this makes me. I just wish I were there to go with you to sort this doctor out. What does he think he is dealing with? A sore throat?!
medicine is rifampicin
The treatment of TB requires a combination of antibiotics, taken over a six month period. rifampicin is one of these, usually taken with isoniazid. I am no expert in TB but I really cannot figure out what this doctor is doing. I dohope that you get it sorted out.
thank you all for your advice , we are going to the doctor tomorrow and insisting on the 5mg . if they dont prescribe it we will ask for the complaint form . thank you
Shocking - what is cost when she is so poorly and obviously needs to be able to take her medication in a not unpleasant way. It's unbelievable that a five year old can be treated so Persist, please and if necessary, follow stillstanding's advice. I presume you have tried disguising it etc etc.
She must be very distressed and you just have to emphatically point this out. TB is making a come back in the UK, this is not right at all.
Please let us know the outcome.
How disgraceful to treat a young child like that. What is this country coming too. Hope this gets sorted out very soon. I hadn't realised TB was rearing its head again. Be strong and determined. Xxxxx
Too expensive! It's not about money, it's about health and especially in one so young. Hope you get it sorted soon. My best wishes to you and the little girl.