Hello i'm Jenny ,i'm a 60 year old Grandmother to 8 and Mother to 4 , also have a long suffering hubby who's been a diabetic for 47 years ,we live in North Shropshire ..i have been diagnosed Copd but really know very little about this decease and what its doing to me ,apart from 8 chest infections in a year and not being able to leave the house much because i cant breathe ..well thats me ...look forward to chatting again ..Jenny xx
Me ..nuttynana : Hello i'm Jenny ,i'm a... - Lung Conditions C...
Me ..nuttynana

Hi Jenny and welcome to the site I was diagnosed 11 years ago and now have full control of this copd.
I have flu jabs every year keep away from people with the flu and gave up smoking I also go swimming.
Feel free to ask any questions someone will always help you take care
Nice to meet you Jenny, a warm welcome to your c.o.p.d. family.😀 You will find lots of help and good advice here.
Nutrition and exercise is the key to living well with this dis-ease...and say no to stress ! Mindfulness , yoga and ways to relax. Learn to breathe better and build your strength up.
Make sure you change your toothbrush after each infection as it is so easy to re infect yourself.
Banish anyone with cold\ flu symptoms and remember to wipe door handle's , phone,keyboards , etc.
I was diagnosed nearly 13 years ago with severe c.o.p.d. but I fortunately haven't had an infection for years.
Hope that helps and you feel better soon.😊 huff x
Welcome Jenny, how great to have family, hope they live close by.
COPD is life changing but many live very long lives with it. I care for hubby Pete who has sarcoidosis and COPD but does well with the help of medication, doctors and me too of course.
Hear from you again soon, take care. Xxxxx
Hello Sassy59 ,yes my family all live within walking distance ,maybe a bit too close at times Hope Pete remains well ,am sure with your care ,he will . I know its not easy caring for someone ,so stay strong and be happy
chat again soon am sure xxx
Hi, Jenny, and welcome to the group. I'm not that far from you in south Cheshire - I have moderate COPD and was diagnosed about 2 years ago. You've had some great advice from Huff.
You're welcome to come along to the singing for lung health group I run on Wednesday afternoons, 2.30 to 3.30 pm - great fun with a useful purpose. Visit breathebettersing.uk/ for more information.
All the best, M.
Hello Ergendl ,thank you for the invite ,not sure you would want me there for long though ,have heard cats that sound better than me ...that said ..i have heard of this so maybe i might pop my head around the door in the near future ..yes Huff sure knows her stuff i have arthritis quite bad so dont really get out much during the winter months but look forward to meeting you soon as the sunshines ..with many thanks, Jenny xx
Don't worry about not being able to sing well, Jenny - none of our other members worry about that, and several were told they couldn't sing in the past (though most of them can). We're not a choir, just a group of lungies using singing to improve our lung health, and having a lot of fun in the process. Look forward to seeing you sometime soon.
Hello, and welcome to this lovely forum. x
Hello & a warm welcome from me.
I am sure you will find lots of help & support on here with a few laughs along the way. hufferpuffer has given you some very sound advice. What she omitted to tell you is what an incredibly talented artist she is. Have a look at her profile & some of her posts, you will be even more impressed. Take care & pop back soon 😊Penny xx
hufferpuffer well you have no need to blush because it is absolutely true 😊. I love your work as I do that of all the artists on here, Kate, Christine & I am sure others that I have yet to encounter. I get enormous pleasure from all of it & wish you would all post more 🤗🤗
Can't wait for the Robin 🐦 Penny xxxx
Welcome, Nana Sharp. You seem like a very busy lady! I just started this group, also. It was a treat to find today. Although I Don't live in the UK, I admire all the encouragement I've received from members today! I know we will both have a great support system here!
Hello shells ,busy certainly is one word for it ,i tend to call it chaotic but i love every second of family life ..Your so right when you say this is a great support group ,already i have learnt so much and finding people that know and understand whats happening to our bodies and minds is just fantastic ,i no longer feel so alone ,always around for a chat
...Keep well and as they say "breathe easy " ..Chat again soon i hope xx
Hi everyone ,was looking for the guy who started on the same new medication as me ,cant find him just wanted to say ..so far so good ..finally i have a doctor who listens ,he's sent me for my first lung function test in 4 years ..came back as having the lungs of a 62 year old ..i'll take that ..after smoking for over 40 years i actually feel quite lucky ...medication finally seems to be working ,not so breathless as usual and ...touch wood ....no chest infections for months ..yey
Hope everyone is keeping well ..love to each xxxx
Was it one of the people on this thread, Jenny? healthunlocked.com/blf/post...
Glad you're doing so well, long may it continue

Your a star Hanne62 ..thank you ..was wondering how he was doing as we both started the medication at the same time ,its working really well for me ..just hope it was working for him ...have left him a message so thank you again ..hope your well xxxxxxx