I'd like to introduce myself properly - Lung Conditions C...

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I'd like to introduce myself properly

MoyB profile image
20 Replies

I've been on here for quite a few months now and you've seen me through a few grim days with help and humour.

I realise that I have never really introduced myself properly so thought I would tell you a bit about myself.

I'm a retired 66 yr old with a wondeful husband who fusses over me and keeps me on the straight and narrow in all sorts of ways. He helps with my postural drainage, drives me anywhere I want to go, does all manner of little jobs around the home and keeps me sane.

Then I've got a son who lives locally with his wife and three children and a daughter who lives 400 miles away with her husband and two children.

I enjoy all sorts of craft work, although I'm no expert in any of it, but recently, I lost my motivation to do any. My new year's resolution is to get started again.

I have asthma, COPD and bronchiectasis, but I also have Menieres disease that causes me to have vertigo attacks from time to time - no warning when these are coming.

My life has been dramatically curtailed the past couple of years - started with pneumonia and has gone down hill since then - but with the support of all you good people, I have pulled myself out of the mire and have a positive outlook again.

Thank you all!

xx Moy

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20 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Very nice to hear more about you Moy and what a positive post. It's good that you have such a wonderful husband who really cares for you. Glad you have found your missing mojo and wish you the very best for 2017.

Take care xxxx 👍😀

Hi Moy and welcome. With your different conditions you will have lots of us on here to empathise with. I am the same age as you and live on my own with lifelong bronchiectasis. I know exactly what you mean about losing enthusiasm to do things, especially when the old lungs are playing up and the energy goes. But onwards and upwards and it's wonderful that you have managed to pull yourself out of it and enjoy your interests again.

It is lovely that you have such a great husband and lovely son. We are here for you and love to hear your news. Big hug.

Watfordgirl profile image

Hi Moy, it's nice to meet you properly!

You've got a lot to deal with but it sounds as though your husband and family are a great support. Am really pleased you're feeling positive again. I think I'm still wanting to hibernate and must resist!

Take care of yourself, xxx 🙂

Hi Moy nice to meet you! x

Caspiana profile image

Hello Moy.

It's very nice to hear from you. It sounds as though you have a very good support system at home. That really helps.

I understand what you mean about motivation.I haven't felt motivated to go out much lately.I sometimes wonder if winter makes me more reluctant.

I'm glad you feel more positive now. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Have a good week.

Cas xx 🌸

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to Caspiana

Winter certainly affects my motivation to go out! Don't like the cold and wet!!

CDPO16 profile image

Hi Moy,

Nice to know that you have got through a tough time. I hope that you stay as well as can be.

Best wishes


Pam1952 profile image

Hi Moy. It was lovely to read your post and get to know you a bit better. You certainly have a lot to deal with, but it must be very comforting to have such a supportive family.

So pleased that you've turned the corner and are feeling more positive about 2017.

Wishing you all the best and look forward to hearing more from you soon.

Take care. Pam XXX

Hello Moy,

Thankyou for introducing yourself and your family in more detail to us. I admire you for being so positive despite all your health problems. You have loving family support, which certainly goes a long way towards lifting you up when you are feeling rotten. Your husband is worth his weight in gold but you know that:-)

Stay positive, and stay with us. We all face challenges most days and the friendship and support on here cannot be bettered, we are good at putting a face on for the outside world, but on here everyone of us knows the cost of breathing and we can be ourselves.


MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

Thank you, Jennifer - you keep me chuckling with your posts - especially when ol PMB joins in!

in reply to MoyB

Happy to hear that Moy.

He is probably in his shed sharpening MY HOE in readiness for trying to match my tongue..


MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

Hoe! Hoe! Hoe!

Damon1864 profile image

How lovely of you to say such nice things about the forum. Stay positive it really does help, try to stay active and have a good diet. I am also blessed with a wonderful husband,he never moans about having to do things. Please stay in touch would love to hear about Tha different crafts you do. Love Bernadette xxx😊

JP1954 profile image

Hi Moy and welcome. My hubby was recently diagnosed with mild copd last year after a bad chest infection and, unfortunately, the surgery left us 'high and dry' regarding information. This site was a saviour with wonderful, helpful people coming to our rescue.


MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to JP1954

I had the 'high and dry' experience too! In fact I was given some papers from the internet at 3.00 on a Friday afternoon and told to read them but 'don't worry about the end page' (which was about end of life care!). I was then left to get on with it for a year. I wasn't told what stage I was at or anything so worried myself sick until I got help and support on line. Then I went back to my GP and asked a few questions. It was much the same with the bronchiectasis diagnosis, although, by then I had self diagnosed and found out a lot of information beforehand.

I suppose the medics and nurses deal with it on a daily basis and forget the impact their words can have.

Anyway, this site has been an absolute god send for me, as it has been for you. It's brilliant!

sailbadthesinner profile image

Good morning Moy,

Thanks for saying more about yourself and your family, it makes us more real to have a slightly better picture of the others on here. It does for me anyway. There must have been something in the air around 1950 as I am also a 66 year old retiree. It's great to hear that you are turning a corner after some grim times and long may that continue.

I love the spirit of Dylan Thomas's poem; 'Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light'. Not trying to be morbid here but I think that it fits a lot of our generation and you should hear me shout and curse at my own lazy carcass some days.

Anyway, all the best today, hope it's one of the better ones.

onamission profile image

Hello moyb and welcome very pleased you enjoy the humour this means you must have a sense of humour so congratulations.

if you enjoy a good laugh look out for a guy called mr m 😆 you will split your sides

Hello Moy...a lovely introduction, your husband sounds much like Himself...makes living with all the nasties that much easier to cope with doesn't it?

Hope the year brings you peace and better health xxx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

Thanks, Vashti. I love reading your posts and have sometimes drawn the parallel between 'himself' and my husband. They deserve a medal, I think, as you are quite right about them making it easier to cope with the nasties. Happy new year to you and himself. I look forward to reading the next installment!

Dedalus profile image

Lovely post, and you have a gem of a husband! Son, daughter and 5 grandchildren - wonderful! Liking the positivity- keep it up, and good luck with your craft work.

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