Is copd life threatening
Copd: Is copd life threatening - Lung Conditions C...

You don't say what stage you are at Billy, Im wondering if you're asking this question as you've just been diagnosed. Im not sure what the others would say, or what the "official" answer to your question is, but I do know that doctors very often say you will probably die of something quite different. You'll find all sorts of stuff on the internet, much of which isn't helpful but you can check out the BLF copd page for reliable information.
The main threat to life from copd imo is from severe chest infections in the later stages of the condition, such as pneumonia which in any case can sometimes see off people who are perfectly well. But even so the majority of people recover from that. So it's important to keep yourself as strong as you can by eating a good diet, exercising as much as you are able and give yourself plenty of things to look forward to.
The short answer to this question is usually yes, unless you change your lifestyle.
But there is so much you can do to change the outcome, primarily you must Stop Smoking or breathing second hand smoke! Exercise and eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy body weight. Leading an active life with a positive attitude. All these things can affect the course of progression of this disease, if not stop it from progressing. The real experts will be along soon to help, but do not think your life is over, I can assure you of that. Recently diagnosed as severe myself, yet I am still working full time on the shop floor.
Hi Billy and welcome to the site COPD is a long term health condition which has no cure.
If you stop smoking take your meds have a flu jab every year and exercise you can live a comfortable life Mom died at the age of 88.
how long was your mum diagnosed with copd ,
Mom smoked from the age of 15 she would of been 91 now so remember when she started smoking it was park drive. She became worse when she retired at the age of 60 but still walked everywhere so kept quit fit no joint replacements she did very well.
I think she was diagnosed at 70 with COPD but continued to smoke I begged her to stop but it was the last 5 years that got her she couldn't breath in the summer and most night would stand outside when it dropped cool so she could breath.
Mom lived in her little bungalow and looked after herself would cook clean and I would take her shopping and my brother did her garden
sounds like she done well looking after herself and she made it to a good age , my mum never smoked never was a drinker use to walk 2 miles every day but died when she was 57 from a thrombosis all from slipping over on a icy pavement that will be 18 years in February ,

Everton have said all there is to say,stay active,eat swell balanced diet and stay positive. It can't be cured but it progression can be slowed down or stop if you follow the advice. So please don't worry and please keep smiling ☺ xxx
You have had some excellent replies Billy so hope they help. This is a good, kind, supportive, genuine forum so ask anything you need to. Take care xxxx
I was diagnosed at the age of 40 with COPD and I am now almost 67. I managed to quit smoking 13 years ago which has definitely helped me a lot and I manage to stay clear of chest infections apart from normally one a year which is quite good. I find that foggy days are best spent in doors and cold night air is not good for my chest either. Also if going out in the cold keep a scarf over your mouth/nose also helps. Obviously avoid any smokers and people who are unwell themselves. Try and exercise daily even if only a walk.
You can then live to a normal good age
COPD is definitely threatening to the quality of life.
Hi hallentine, I assume you're speaking from experience but people's experience in general is so diverse that i don't think it's helpful to generalise in this way. I have to say that copd hasn't threatened my quality of life, because I've adapted how I live and worked hard to keep as fit as possible. Despite severe copd and moderate bronch I feel lucky as I don't have other problems like diabetes, arthritis or raised blood pressure or heart problems - yet anyway.
Because our experiences are all so diverse and different it is good to share them on this site to offer as the widest cross section. COPD, Emphysema along with steroid induced diabetes and I have high blood pressure and other aliments following a mild stroke. All this has been a threat to the quality of my life but like you I have maintained a vigorous effort to stay strong and spiritually fit a day at a time. Yes a threat but it has not yet destroyed my will to live a full life.