I have a home pip assesment on 19 Dec feel sick I live on my own any advice
Help: I have a home pip assesment on 1... - Lung Conditions C...
I hope all goes well Stone is a very reliable advisor.
Try and have a family member / friend present as well
I wish you well Stone and hope the test benefits you--it seems that you people are getting your tests much faster there than we in BC, Canada. We have very long waits here & I am waiting for a Spirometry test since May & still have no date. Happy for you living there!
Hi there try and have someone with you if possible, just be honest in how much you can do, and the things you need help with. Wishing you luck and hope all goes well.
I agree with others, try to have someone with you, a friend or family member for support, answer questions about how your condition affects you in daily life, what you need help with etc. I hope it goes well and that you don't find it too stressful. Let us know how you get on x.
Just remember what they need to know is not what you can and can't do its more of how doing things affect you.
beaver56 I was the same really worried a lovely Irish lady come she say down with her laptop and asked me lots of questions about my everyday life and mobility and how my copd affects my life they ask you to do a physical test like walking but my breathing was bad on that day I had a letter in four weeks after the visit telling me I'd been successful such a relief good luck with yours .
Hello beaver56,,,,,these assessments make everybody feel sick,,,and very worried.
Do you have a friend who can be with you during the assessment???,,two sets of ears are better better at listening,,and take notes or get a voice recorder and use it,,,,rest up and try and be calm,,,it will tough,,,but try,,,,I have just had the form through to apply for PIP,,,and made the first call,,,and a call handler with a very monocyclic voice spoke the words from the script,,what an ordeal,,,,now waiting for the forms to arrive,,,i am worried as well,,,,good luck on the 19 Dec,,,,,ttfn from Karen.
Please do no more than ring CAB. Make an appointment. Take your meds and information like dates of any hospital admissions, out patient appointments, Drs appointments, follow ups. Dates of x rays other tests. Remember its what your like on your worst day and not your best that you explain to the adviser. Then leave it to the experts at CAB to steer you in the right direction.
Never tell untruths as it is you who has to sign the form, neither make your health situation any better than it is.
Remember also that it usually ends up as a battle of attrition. The government case adviser will try and wear you down so you will give up. Don't, but be prepared to battle it out with the help of CAB. With CAB you won't feel alone in this battle.
Good luck.
Well, too many cooks and all that...........
Keep it simple.
It is about how you are affected by your ailments........not trick questions as some insist, but a way of determining the level of incapacity you may be suffering so that you can have any financial help you are almost certainly entitled to. You are not begging, you are stating your case.
Some recommend recording the procedure, I do not, I regard it as generating the mindset of going into battle, being confrontational, and that may be some peoples response, to be confrontational when what appears to be a threat looms into view.
Treat the assessor with the same respect you think is due to yourself, answer honestly but fully, no need to exaggerate or try to put a brave face on things, help them help you.
It would be very useful to do a day diary for say a week ( you have time) listing all the times you struggled, decided not to do something because it is easier not to, were in pain doing routines that must be done. One days worth would give an idea, but one weeks worth a much better idea.
Read the link Stone provided, and find others, there are plenty out there on ESA and PIP forums.
Do not dwell on the horror stories, that will not help and just make the assessment much harder and you will not get across what you need to.............
I wish you well, keep calm, it will be fine......
If you want ask again, we are always here.