Hi everyone, have any of my fellow COPD sufferers found any thing that will help relieve the irritating cough. I don't know if it is the cold weather we are having but my coughing has got worse this last week or so. I hope that everyone is having a good day.
Relief from coughing: Hi everyone, have... - Lung Conditions C...
Relief from coughing

Hi 1 tip is to make sure you try and breathe through your nose so the air is warmer when it reaches your lungs. When it is very cold it's good to use either a scarf or a buff to cover your nose and mouth to stop the cold air getting in. Use loose ones so you can still breathe - nothing tight. x

Thanks coughalot2 so simple yet such a good tip
You are welcome. It's a tip I learnt on the BLF site and it certainly helps me in the cold weather. x
Good advice from coughalot. I'd like to add that staying hydrated, water, green tea 🍵 and sleeping with your head elevated is also helpful. If necessary, OTC cough syrup containing dextromethorphan(check with your doctor first) can be a big help.
Hi,I have IPF.I used to cough a lot.Now I'm breathing in ONLY through my nose the coughing has dramatically reduced! Check it out.30 good things happen inside when you do it.Read about Buteyko breathing.It's an eye opener!
Keeping fluids up especially warm ones in the winter helps, dont rush at things and check it is not another medicine effecting your cough.Mine is often worse with calcium antagonists used for high blood pressure. Sucking menthol sweets can help and avoiding extremely cold things like ice cream or iced drinks. There are many things to help reduce the cough so it is often trial and error to find the best for you personally.
Thanks for this post, I will get some menthol sweets today. I hope you are keeping warn and well.
All above are right but I also get a cotton bud swiped with Vaselene and swirl around my nostrils before I go out and it also helps when on public transport to trap germs - COPD nurse tip and after flying three times this year I never once caught anything which is very unusual. I also am an avid Fishermens Friend sweetie in the winter months, keeps my nasals nice and warm ha ha
Hi all good advice above. I believe that coughing is your bodys way of trying to rid itself of gunk. guarfasine is a great expectorant the main ingredient in expensive cough syrups but available in own supermarket brands much cheaper. To have a good cough free night and restful sleep occasionally I take phenegrin available OTC. It is the active ingredient in Night Nurse that helps for a restful sleep. I belive it is an antihistamine but it blooming works for me. Good luck in your pursuit. Let us know what works for you.
Take care SK
Hi Sokrackers thanks for the tip, I will see if I can get some phenegrin tomorrow.
I find making a cough syrup with hot water, powdered ginger and raw honey all to your taste, allow to cool and swig when necessary ! Good luck.