Thank you to everyone who responded to my post: New - How do you cope with the coughing? Our GP prescribed Pholcodine for my husband and this has helped. I also raised the issue of swimming and will, as suggested, check with GP and our local pool.
Some release from coughing. - Lung Conditions C...
Some release from coughing.

Hi Semi
I was recently prescribed carbocistine which helps loosen the gunk and I am so grateful for it. After giving myself two stomach hernias from coughing (weakend by previous stomach surgery). It was such a blessing to find something that works.
As for swimming I am all for it. I just have to get there and build up my lungs and increase my immunity.
Please let us know how you get one.
Kindest regards SK
I go swimming a lot love it.
Pete coughs quite a lot but has a nebuliser with drugs which help plus carbocistine too.
I am sure swimming will be a good thing but do check first.
Take care xxxxx
Hi semibreve40 I have IPF and use the same cough mixture as your husband Pholcodine and I also swim I get good relief from both Hope hubby stays well Warmregards Trudy 😊
Thanks for your encouragement Trudy.
It seems like when I'm in the pool, the chlorine in the water helps clear my sinuses and loosen the mucus in my lungs. Or it could be that I'm active, or both.