Looking BACK at my previous post RE suffering i.e lung stomach issues dose make you wonder HOW much is down to CF gene mutation carrier status.
One of my previous post i TALKED about whys my blood look like am suffering from some form of sickle cell when i looked closer under microscope.
I thought it was down to chronic lung disease GUESS it still could.
NOW given DNA results and being CF Carrier the say healthy carriers can suffer from stomach issues and forms of sickle cell according to medical dictionary.
SO why given carrier satatus should responsibility BE down to me AND what is responsible thing to do IF you meet partener and want kids and are carrier of one gene.
I look back at post AND think how much suffering i have done to get to this point AFTER all if i had not done DNA test would i be any closer to finding out proberly not.
SOMEONE with a aputated leg is predisposed to falling over SO could say they have inherant condition SO the given stick to help them stop falling over YET what help is there for carriers going threw motions of dieases that on surface is well documented BUT nothing is done.
You describe your symptoms and it's Annoying the way they look at you THEN do the most cost effective thing WHITCH is nothing BUT is it really cost effective.
Could say its a tragedy and its a tragerdy for future kids especially as they probberly knew and chosen to do the irresponsible thing WHITCH was nothing.
Yet the talk of family planing I must of mist that bit of hypocrisy when researching.
Could i be wrong given my DNA and predisposed inherent risk