Following my previous post's .. evolution of disease and genetic mutations. I feel I must share few of my insights scratching's BE It what it may !
Anyway there is a few things I have seen wile cursing the web ONE I must say is not talked about much ONE being genetics.
I seen a story ABOUT super DNA Thant canceled out DNA mutations .. all very interesting BUT given what I have talked about previously I.e evolution of disease and genetic mutations DO they really have SUPER DNA or is it sick peoples as just stopped working.
Here is story.
Also here is good video.
Is all very interesting STUFF and am sure in-roads are being made as to mechanics pathology genetics of diseases as am sure we are benefiting from in one form or other.
Which brings me to other subject RECENTLY I got a letter of my lung doc asking if I would be interested in taking part in NHS RESEARCH trial BIOBANK .. Guess the looking to see if I have super DNA lol.
Anyway as you can guess I jumped at offer epically as it involves nothing to extreme but a NOSE swab BIT of DNA ... Blood and Sputum and so on.
As you can guess I told'em to fill the boot's BUT if found out valuable it was mine as I had lost it