Hi. Is there anyone on this site who has been successfully treated with stem call treatment from the lung foundation in the usa?
bronchiectasis and stem cell therapy - Lung Conditions C...
bronchiectasis and stem cell therapy

I am sorry to say no there isn't. For more information go to copdfoundation.org and scroll down the page till you see the conversation about stem cell therapy. 😞 it's a good idea to do alot of research into this. You don't have to join or anything to read the Info.
The Lung Foundation is not exactly a reputable organization and not to be confused with The American Lung Association at lung.org who are legitimate.
Most hospitals are in Mexico not USA, as there are legal implication re stem cell research
I'd be real suspicious of the Lung Foundation too. Anything that's not FDA-approved or covered by insurance and that requires up-front payment in cash: big red flags.
I had a stem cell treatment from The Lung Institute in late December. They have several clinics thru out the USA. I had mine done in Nashville, Tenn.
You can check their website. Even sign up for one of their webinars, no cost. Since it is considered research, insurance or Medicare (I'm 67) doesn't cover. Out of pocket costs, $7,500 - $12,000.
My experience was that it was all done very professionally. They use your own stem cells. The theory is, that by increasing the amount of stem cells, those cells will repair the damaged lungs. It will not improve the weakening of the airways (the difference between copd and bronchiectasis).
They said that I should notice a difference in 3 months. I did not. Someone else on this forum, said that her mother had it done and that it could take up to a year to notice, and her mother has seen an improvement. What I have notice, at this time, 6 months after, I am coughing less, less breathlessness, and feeling ok, compared to feeling a lot less than ok earlier this year.
They do follow up with you for several months after the treatment, as well as having you take meds for several month to help the growth of the cells. It is well worth checking out their website and webinar.
Good luck, Beth
ps I also heard that the Cleveland Clinic is doing stem cell treatments.
Hi Beth. Have been looking for your posts to see how u are doing-but hopeless at navigating on websites. How are u Beth?
I remember u going in for the treatment. Do u feel any improvement? I so hope u do, u are very brave to take the plunge.
I have read some posts which warn against the Lung institute, so yesterday I had a live chat with a lady from the American lung institute, who feels that although stem cell therapy will one day be of benefit to us, we are not there yet. Am so glad to speak to again and I pray hat u are seeing some improvement. Look forward to speaking to u again Sue
Sorry Beth I didn't read all your post so am asking how u are when u have already posted it (muppet). It is odd that the therapy will take so long to see an improvement, but am happy to hear u are seeing some improvement. Had been thinking about contacting them but then some posts make u believe u shouldn't because the treatment is a con., but now will think again about it.
Since this treatment is considered research, I'm sure a lot of people would not consider it. Research is about the unknown, and trying to prove if it works or doesn't work.
I felt that, even if it doesn't improve my condition, my data is entered into the results (yes or no). With any medical breakthrough, research is needed to prove or disprove.
It's the out of pocket costs that you need to consider. It's not cheap. You may want to do some internet research to see if there are clinical trials being done near you. There is usually no cost in participating in a clinical trial.
take care, Beth