Transplantation Today: After 14 long... - Lung Conditions C...

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Transplantation Today

139 Replies

After 14 long months of waiting for "That" call, It came at 6am this morning.

To my dear "family" here on Health unlocked and especially those waiting for "that " call

Hang in there.

The Alfred rang and advised that they believed that lungs were available for Susan.

We arrived at the Alfred at 8am and after x'rays and blood tests we waited for an hour, then told it was "On". Susan went into theatre at 2pm, the op lasted 5 hours and she was in ICU at 8.30pm.

The surgeon advised that he did not have to crack the sternum and there are only 2 incisions beneath Susan's girly parts (Boobs).

My wife has shown tremendous courage today and I am overwhelmed by her tenacity.

Please keep Susan in your prayers as she enters the next stage of recovery and for those still waiting There is hope.

Susan will be in hospital for up to 3 weeks.

To say I am over the moon is an understatement.

The Wild Colonial Boy


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139 Replies

Will.....What wonderful news for your beautiful wife and yourself. My heartfelt wishes for Susan's good strong recovery and the beginning of a brand new life ahead :-)

in reply to

Thank you Jennifer

A long exhausting, but very rewarding day.

I cannot but feel a great sadness for the donor's family


freefaller profile image
freefaller in reply to

Yes what a brave decision on their part.

in reply tofreefaller

Thanks Freefaller

I think it must have been pure agony for the donor's family, maybe when they receive Susan's letter of gratitude it might ease the pain a little.


freefaller profile image
freefaller in reply to

Yes, a good idea to write a letter of thanks to them. Hope everything is going well for you both.

velvet55 profile image


What great news, l am thinking of you both, and wish Susan a speedy recovery.

My thoughts are also with the brave decision of the donor or family to give hope others.


Pommie Velvet xx

Caspiana profile image

Will and Susan. I am so very, extremely overjoyed to hear the call has come at long last. Well done to you and Susan. You've both been courageous and oh so strong.

Sending you both my love and prayers. Please do keep us posted.

Much love,

Cas xx 🌷

in reply toCaspiana

Thanks Cas

Very tired Off to bed now


melissahaas profile image

hi will this is wonderfull wonderfull news keep updated

takes care melissa

in reply tomelissahaas

G'day Melissa

I hope you, your husband and the boys are okay.

I am so sorry for the short reply last week, but with the transplant comes a burden. Hospital everyday and then home for the housework. It makes life a little difficult to respond to those I hold close to my heart. You, young lady are one of them

It has been 10 days now, we have had 2 major scares, the last being 5 days ago when I nearly lost Susan with her poor heart not beating in rhythm. I watched as the nurse checked Susan's blood pressure and sats, my wife looked grey and as I made a comment the nurse called to me to push the red button on the wall.

All hell broke loose. Dr's and nurses came running into the room and I was asked to leave. I stood outside in the hall and watched GOD's angels working on Susan. No panic, no yelling, just everyone going about their duties, like a well oiled machine. It is no wonder why people say it is the best hospital in the world (Well at least in Australia). A Dr and a nurse came to me to make sure I was okay. I just smiled at them and said "why should I be worried, Susan is in the best hands imaginable". After they stabilised my wife the same two came over to me to tell me that Susan was being transferred to the cardiac ICU. The young female doctor asked me why I was so at ease in such a tense situation, referring to my comments. She said "you have tremendous faith in our staff" and I said " yes I do, but I was not referring to them when I made my comments. You see there was another being in that room, unseen, in whom I have total faith"

Susan is now on the mend and is back in a normal ward, making great progress and asking how soon she can come home.

I was told prior to transplantation that there would be hurdles and hic-cups and was surprised to hear of another transplantee in cardiac ICU with the same problem as Susan. Eerie for me but just an expected event for the staff.

You know you are in my thoughts and Prayers Mate

Stay positive

Your friend


in reply tomelissahaas

G'day Melissa

Have not be in touch for a while,

Just wondering how you and the family are


Thanks Melissa

Will talk soon

Many messages to send tonight

Hang in there There is hope.

Stay positive


Katinka46 profile image

Great news. Best wishes that all continues to go well.

Love to you both

Kate xx

in reply toKatinka46

Thanks Katinka

May HE bless us all.


redted profile image

Wonderful news sending all the very best for a perfect recovery,and a healthy outcome.

in reply toredted

Thanks Redted

Just proves There is a GOD and HE gives us hope.


Toci profile image

Wonderful news and your wife will be in my prayers. xxx

in reply toToci

And also you in ours

Your kind words are much appreciated


Tee1008 profile image

What wonderful news...and what great courage your beautiful wife Susan has shown. It is hard to express how much I hope that the transplant is a complete success and that Susan has a speedy recovery...everything crossed for you both.

Tee xxx

in reply toTee1008

Thanks Tee

Very tired now.......... Off to bed

It has been a long exhausting day

I hope to do another post early next week when things slow down a bit


freefaller profile image

What wonderful news! All my good wishes for a speedy recovery.

in reply tofreefaller

Thank you for your reply

It is much appreciated


rubyred777 profile image

What wonderful news, Will! I'm so very happy for you and your brave, lovely wife, Susan. It's a good day.😊 Some days on the site, it's nice. Good things happening for good people. I hope Susans recovery goes smoothly for her, and you and her can live the good life, you so deserve. Bless you, Will, you're a good man. Good luck to you both, Rubyxx 😊

in reply torubyred777

Thank you for you kind words Ruby

I will do another post as soon as possible


Mendy profile image

Will ,thank you sooo much for good news. I was sure that Susan ll get lungs, i dont know why i was sure, just intuition. She ll recover!!! I hope to hear good news from Martine now.

in reply toMendy

Thanks Mendy

I was thinking about Martine whilst I was in the Alfred yesterday, praying that she will follow Susan's path.

I guess one thing about our journey is that There Is hope.


Billiejean_2 profile image

Amazing, incredible - just the best news ever. Fingers crossed for Susan's recovery and such joy to know her ordeal of waiting is over.

in reply toBilliejean_2

Thanks BillieJean

A tremendous weight has been lifted of our shoulders, but a heavy burden on the donor's family.

So sad that one soul must depart for another to have their stay on earth extended


sassy59 profile image

Oh Will what amazing news and wishing Susan a full recovery. It does give such hope to many.

Love and prayers to Susan and you. Thinking of you both. Xxxxx

in reply tosassy59

Thanks Sassy

I will do a post to everyone as soon as I have the time


piping profile image

how very fotrunatee you both get lhky.anm ham happyyny ror you bothxxx


Watfordgirl profile image

That's brilliant news. What lovely lady Susan is. Wishing her uncomplicated surgery and a strong, uneventful recovery.

Look after yourself, over the moon, while all this is going on, and do let us know how things go.

Sue x

in reply toWatfordgirl

G'day mate

Nice to hear from you.

Bev, the moon is out here at the moment and I may have trouble "jumping over it"

I will post to everone as soon as I have the time.


in reply toWatfordgirl

G'day Sue

My apologies

I have just checked the replies and I seem to have not replied to your kind email.

Things not going well at present.

Day 5 Dr's still can't manage to get Susan's heart into a normal rhythm. I telephoned the hospital late last night and they were taking Susan down for a C.T scan.

I am about to leave for the hospital and hope there is better news today.

I will do a follow up post when things settle.


Sohara profile image
Sohara in reply to

BurrayBoy, I am sure you are VERY worried at the moment, and I wish I could comfort you and ease your concerns, but I am sure your lovely wife will pull through this . We are all hoping and praying that everything will be OK. She is in good hands

The hospital will do everything they can to get her heart into a normal rhythm ..

Good luck and I hope you hear some more encouraging news when you get to the hospital

Love to you both


in reply toSohara

Yes, all around the world the people on BLF are longing for Susan to get well, but this is bound to take time and no doubt there may be a setback or two along the way. She's in the hands of experts and a very tough & determined lady so she will make it.

Meanwhile Will, you must be as strong for her as you have up until now, but also look after yourself.

Rest is what you need when you get home from the hospital so be assured we're all holding you both in our hearts, and will be patient for your bulletins :)

in reply to

Thank you Hanne

You are right in every word you typed.

The only issue is rest, I find it better for me when I am occupied, and, at times, that means sleep depravation, but it is the better than lying in bed not being able to sleep.

It is not stress or worry, as I know Susan is in the best hospital in the world. Just seeing the 24 hour monitoring by nurses, 1 per patient, is relaxing enough for me.

I know my wife will get thru this ordeal, but you cannot be human to go in there everyday and see her lying there and wanting to just take her home.

I do not think I would have the fortitude Susan shows.

Thank you for making me feel at little more at peace


in reply toSohara

Thank you Sohara

I am just about to leave for the hospital.

I will send you a reply when I get back home

Your message is very much appreciated


Watfordgirl profile image
Watfordgirl in reply to

I'm not sure where you are with time, Will, but I hope you've had better news from the hospital, and that Susan's heart is in normal rhythm. You must be so worried, and I'm sure you want to be with her all the time.

Please don't worry about replying. We don't expect it and you have more important things to do! Look after yourself,

Love Sue x

in reply toWatfordgirl

Thanks Sue

Just thought I would check my emails before leaving for the hospital.

It 8 am here, I have Spencer (The dog) under my chair, he knows I am about to leave, but being blessed with terrific kids, they take it in turns to come up and walk him and keep him company.

Susan looked terrific yesterday, the Dr's (Bless them) have her heart beat under control, and Susan got out of bed (aided) and sat in a chair for 2 hours. This is what happens when you exercise even when very ill. Susan did this every day including Friday prior to the surgery.

I am praying that today the Dr's will give me more good news about what the CT scan found inside of her lungs. Concern as to what the shaded area is. Praying that is only an infection.

They have Susan on a strange type of o2 cannula, blowing warm air into her lungs to dry out the wetness. Unbelievable what they can do in at the Alfred..

I will do a post after each week.

You are in my thoughts and prayers

Man hugs


Watfordgirl profile image
Watfordgirl in reply to

Hi Will, I'm so pleased that, as I understand it, there's some good news about Susan. With such huge interventions there are bound to be adjustments afterwards and problems which need sorting, but it sounds as though the doctors there are brilliant.

It's good that you have Spencer to look after you while you're at home on your own. Is he the curly white chap with Susan in the photo? Take good care of each other.

We're all rooting for Susan, and thinking of you, and of the donor's family. It's a bit strange to say that all these people with BLF dotted around the world are holding their breath for you both. Who'd want breathless people to hold their breath? Not very powerful - except that it is because our breath is so precious!!

Take care. Love, Sue xxx

in reply toWatfordgirl

G'day Sue

Just getting ready to leave for the Alfred. 7am here (Thursday)

Yes it is Spencer, he is a Spoodle, his colour was buff but over the years he has lightened, also needs to be lightened with his weight.

We are hoping that Susan will be moved from i.C.U into a ward either tpoday or Tomorrow.

Hard to believe that my wife has improved so much in 24 hours.

The Dr's at the Alfred are a very talented lot, but, they pale into insignificance behind the nurses.

Here in Melbourne, if a police officer pulls over a motorist and intends to "book" them and discovers they are a nurse. He lets them go with a good talking to, but they will not book a nurse. Shows how highly the nurses are thought of. I do care that their wages are low and the hours long, for they are worth their weight in gold.


I will be eternally grateful for all the prayers being offered For Susan, both here and all around the globe and to think most of it is due to a site called Health Unlocked.

We really are a global "family".

It is my intention to do a weekly post on Susan's recovery, if not for any other reason than, to hopefully, enlighten those waiting for a Tx that there is HOPE and the light at the end of the tunnel is not the one we see when passing.

Thank you for being there for both of us


Watfordgirl profile image
Watfordgirl in reply to

That is such good news and thank you, Will, for taking the time - you now have to stick to the weekly post and look after yourself and Spencer as well as Susan!!

I'm so happy for you both. I agree absolutely that there is always hope. Never give up hoping.

I really like what you say about nurses, though it probably applies just to Melbourne nurses! I was a nurse all my working life and loved it, and still miss the patients after ten years being retired.

Take care, both of you and Spencer (don't put him on a diet until his mum's home!). Keep things going in the right direction - it doesn't matter how long it takes.

Thinking of you,

Love, Sue x

in reply toWatfordgirl

Thanks Sue

I will post over the weekend.

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to

Fingers crossed and prayers being offered up. Will. xx

in reply toToci

Thanks Toci

Pretty scary day, Susans heart went haywire and they hit the emergency button. Dr's came running from everywhere.

Took some time for the drugs to take effect. Okay now, tomorrow is another day

Thanks for your message


Toci profile image
Toci in reply to

God bless you both. xxx

Titchy52 profile image

Hi Hidden I'm so pleased for Susan an yourself I will pray every nite to give her strength and a speedy recovery god bless bothxx

in reply toTitchy52

Thanks Titchy

Please would you be kind enough to say one for the donor's family.

They must be hurting quite badly at present


Titchy52 profile image
Titchy52 in reply to

Hi will and Susan I have please give your wife my best wishes and your strength together is unstoppable god bless you both Kathy xx

in reply toTitchy52

Thanks Titchy


Magpuss profile image

Wonderful news, my very best wishes to you and your lovely wife- I hope all goes well for you both from now on. God bless the donar and family.

in reply toMagpuss

Thanks Magpuss

Still a long way to go yet.

Susan looked good today, not even 24 hours since the Tx.

Dr's are pleased with her condition.


Magpuss profile image
Magpuss in reply to

Very pleased to hear that, hope you're feeling a little better today too, you must have been exhausted yesterday. Good wishes to you both.

in reply toMagpuss

Thank you

More tired today

Could not sleep well last night. Kept moving my arm trying to find Susan, took me a while to realise that she was not there.

Highlight of my day was to see her tiny frame in the ICU bed, albeit with tubes and wires everywhere.


Magpuss profile image
Magpuss in reply to

It's amazing what they can do with the aid of all those tubes and wires. Try to catch up on some sleep whenever you get the chance, wouldn't want Susan to be worrying about you. Hope each day goes as well as the first one.

in reply toMagpuss

Thank you

casper99 profile image

Big, big day for you both today, fantastic news. I hope she recovers well. All the best for the future. xx

in reply tocasper99

Thank you for your kind words Casper


jojeanbi profile image

hi Will such good news both in my prayers Jeanie xx

in reply tojojeanbi

Thanks Jeanie

Just as you are in ours.


Sheilab123 profile image

Wonderful news for you both, so pleased for you. Wishing Susan a speedy recovery and you some well earned rest! Xx

in reply toSheilab123

Thank you Mate

I felt it might be good to have some good news, now maybe, someone else in the "family" will get "that" call


carpenter60 profile image

wishing you both all the very best . You must be very brave to be able to write that post to all of us with everything going on around you . So pleased . Allen

in reply tocarpenter60

Thank you Allen

On the contrary, If my post has given hope to those still waiting then it is well worth it.

Thanks for replying


SquirrelsHolt profile image


Hope that Susan recovers well after her op and has a full recovery.

in reply toSquirrelsHolt

Thank you,

Very happy for us but saddened that a family had to make the decision so that Susan's life could be extended.


Will that's fantastic and Susan and you have all my prayers and good wishes. Isn't she attractive? Big hugs. Bev x

in reply to

Thanks Bev,

I just wish that some of the family here were also receiving similar calls.

Have to go to work now but will post as soon as possible


TyneandWear profile image

What fantastic news!!!

I sincerely hope Susan has a brilliant recovery and gets back very soon to live a 'normal' life with you.

Prayers for Susan for a good recovery.


Thérèse xxx

in reply toTyneandWear

Thanks Therese

I will endeavour to send a new post next week with an update


hufferpuffer profile image

What wonderful news Will and an emotional rollercoaster for you! Susan is in my prayers and you too, you are both remarkable people!😁 much love and healing thoughts, huff xxx

in reply tohufferpuffer

Thank you huff

Pretty sort of magical moment here at 5am today.

I had trouble sleeping, but up before the sparrows and ready for a better day today

Your kind words are very much appreciated


pegbl profile image

That's great news, my prayers are with you both to help through the next stage as you put it xxxx

in reply topegbl

Thanks Peg,

All the replies have been overwhelming, sorry that I cannot respond to all but I have to leave early, working today and still trying to organise how best to get into the Alfred this arvo.

I will ne in touch


naresh62 profile image

That's great news Susan is my prayers wishing her a speedy recovery,look after yourself too take care God bless you both naresh62x

in reply tonaresh62

And May HE bless you and all the "family" here


kimmy59 profile image

I can't tell you how happy I am for you, we all know how hard life is not being able to breathe, but forget how hard it must be for our loved ones.

She will be in my prayers tonight and every night for a speedy recovery. Then you can get on with a whole new life, its brilliant news.

God bless you, please keep us posted.

Kim xxxx

in reply tokimmy59

Thanks Kim,

Maybe a prayer for those souls still waiting and for the donor's family also.

Thank you for you words of support


dall05 profile image

Great News Will, everything crossed for you both.


in reply todall05

Thanks Tony,

So many kind "family" here on H.U


PastMeBest profile image

WOW! I have had a really busy day today Will and I haven't had time to start reading all the posts like I normally do until about 10:30pm (UK time).

What fantastic news. I am really delighted for Susan and yourself and I hope that all has gone well with the transplant.

Please pass on to Susan our best wishes (PastMeBest and Wifey) for a speedy and problem free recovery.

Don't forget to look after yourself either Will as Susan will need you strong for when she comes home so you can take care of her.

Please keep us all posted on Susan's progress.

I will continue to pray for you both.

Best Regards. John

in reply toPastMeBest

G'day John

Many thanks for your kind words

I left Susan this arvo at 4pm, looks tired, but otherwise in good spirits. They have removed the breathing tube, but my poor girl has tubes running from her (like spaghetti). They should be removed in the next 2 days

I will do a new post after the weekend.

Thank you


PastMeBest profile image
PastMeBest in reply to

Hi Will, I will look forward to your update and continue pray that all goes well for Susan and yourself.


in reply toPastMeBest

Thanks Mate

I will try a new post in next few days, with an updated pic on Susan in recovery.

She looked drained and tired this arvo, but my wife has that determined focus so I may have to wear my tin hat in a few days time.

I was dumbfounded today when I walked into the I.C.U. I expected to see her spaced out, but she was semi raised and smiled at me when our eyes met. Cannot believe that Susan had major surgery less than 24 hours ago. Alert and coherent.

Our kids turned up as I was leaving, all impressed with how well she looked.

Off to bed now pretty tired

Tomorrow is another day


PastMeBest profile image
PastMeBest in reply to

Hi Will, I am so pleased that Susan is doing so well in her recovery and continues to do so.

Look after yourself and have a good nights sleep.

Regards. John

JP1954 profile image

Give Susan our very best on her path to recovery and make sure you stay strong and healthy for her. Our thoughts and prayers are with Susan and the donors family.


in reply toJP1954

Thank you I will pass your message to Susan


piping profile image

I am so very happy for you both and you vert much in my thoughts and prayers at the moment and have been for some considerable time.My love to you both ...this is the start of another long hard journey but you will get there.

in reply topiping

Thanks Mate

I hope to do a new post after the weekend

You stay positive Peter


piping profile image

Have a brand new keyboard so keys not sticking where they had paint droplets spilt on them.Hope Susan is feeling all our thoughts and prayers.And you to.

in reply topiping

My keyboard also sticks but I think it is a faulty unit.

Too lazy to buy another one.

Peter, I saw Susan this arvo, looks tired but good.

Many thanks for your concern


y_not profile image

What brilliant news! Wish wishes to you both. I also think that the donor & their family are amazing people to be so selfless at such a painful time - thoughts go out to them as well.

in reply toy_not

Thanks Mate

My thoughts also. Without kind families there would be no hope for Susan or other sufferers of lung disease


y_not profile image
y_not in reply to

I hope I'm never in the situation but, if I were, I hope I would be strong enough to do the same selfless thing the family did.

Really pleased for your news regardless!

in reply toy_not

Thanks Mate

Sad that only 3% of deaths in Australia are organ donors.

I guess the more publicity the better that the % will increase


helenlw7 profile image

My thoughts are with you and Susan, and also your gorgeous dog. Of course our thoughts are always with donor family's, but at least the donor's life won't have been in vain.

in reply tohelenlw7

Thank you Helen

Still a gut wrenching decision, I am guessing that other organs would have been donated by the family, so they may take rest in the fact that more than one soul is now in a better place


Buzzytruk profile image

Such wonderful news for you both. With very best wishes for the future.......please keep us upto date on how things progress .


thank you Jo

Your words echo those from other members, sao nice to have numerous good people on here


Dedalus profile image

Wonderful news - sending prayers & wishing you both all very best wishes for her speedy recovery xx

in reply toDedalus

Thank you

I am overwhelmed by all the kind words and wishes from everyone


Ohtwo profile image

Wonderful news. My thoughts and prays are with you and your family. A new journey begins. Xx

in reply toOhtwo

Thank you

Please include the donor's family, they must be going thru hell at the moment


Susan will be just fine and good on you will. Aren't you glad you found this forum! Love moongirl , a Brit from sydney xx 🐨

in reply toFancyfaceMoongirl

Thanks Moongirl

All the way from Sydney.

Yes this is by far the best site for lung disease and other ailments.

There is always that human touch when I read the posts and replies.

I do try to add a little humor when I post, read too many sad stories, so I try to react by believing my glass is always half full, but until yesterday, I was so glad just to have a glass to drink from.

Please keep in touch


FancyfaceMoongirl profile image
FancyfaceMoongirl in reply to

Hi Will, my glass is always half full too, it's the only way to be. Some people I know, who have good health too I might add, it's half empty for them. The old man and I are going out for lunch soon so I will raise my full glass to you and Susan. Love moongirl. 🍷 🍸 xx

in reply toFancyfaceMoongirl

Thank you

Please enjoy the meal, although by the time I am reading this it is 7pm so maybe the lunch is finished.

Please keep in touch


pollyjj profile image

Wonderful news thinking of you both and sending best wishes.

take care

polly xx

Thanks Polly

How are you?

I did see a recent post from you, but with all that has been going on here I did not reply.

Please accept my apologies.

I trust the weather is good, pretty cold here, although we are having 2 good days 15c before the rain starts again

Please take care of yourself

GOD Bless


twopars12 profile image

Wishing a very brave lady all the very best.

in reply totwopars12

Thank you Twopars, yes my wife is that, especially for putting up with me for 38 years


ericwood992 profile image

Good luck to you both!! What a wonderful age we live in!! May you and your beautiful wife now how a long and trouble-free life together.

in reply toericwood992

Thank you Eric

I can only marvel at medical science at times.

Yesterday I saw it first hand although I believe that there was someone far greater than the medical team in that theatre.


24811 profile image

Hi Will, my prayers are with you all xx Val

in reply to24811

Thanks Val

Tonight we can use your prayers, as we have a problem, hoping the medical people can sort it out in the morning


24811 profile image
24811 in reply to

I have and will keep doing so until your beautiful wife is home and well once again, hang in there Will you have so many good friends here and keep us updated if at all possible 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

in reply to24811

Thank you Val

Mitchypoo profile image

wonderful news, i will keep you both in my thoughts and wish u all the best. i am at the beginning of the journey for lung transplant and would like to follow your progress for hope and inspiration xxx

in reply toMitchypoo

Thank you Mitchypoo

( I am guessing that is the dog's name). Our spoodle in the pic is Spencer.

I wish you GOD speed on your journey.

I hope to have a new informative post each week for some time on Susan's progress.

I am convinced that anyone who chooses to take the Transplant option makes the correct decision.

We have been watching a UK series on transplantation recently and it is the same as we have encountered thus far with the surgery and post op.

The big change is the less intrusive surgery, 2 smaller incisions below the Girly bits, and not having to crack the rib cage. Also the time for surgery is around 4 hours, unlike the 7 hours last year. All this enhances a speedier recovery.

The main point with us and I am sure with others who have made this journey is Exercise.

I cannot stress it enough. Push yourself, even when you do not feel like it.

This is the single most important function you MUST maintain.

Other targets are important but a strong exercise regime is essential to a successful Tx. After the op your body will not be able to retain all the necessary functions, so by going into theatre with good muscle tone you will have a far better outcome in the long term.

Talk to your Pulmonologist /nurse and if you are not in a support group, find one and try to exercise with others (not a gym or fitness club) who have lung disease.

Susan was blessed with being permitted to continue on after the 12 visits, twice weekly, at the rehab centre, by the way they never charged us for the over 100 visits.

Look I am beating a drum again but

Exercise is essential, and if you can, purchase a treadmill for home use and use it at least daily.

Do not undertake any ,home alone, exercises unless you have a finger oximeter. It is also essential to alert you and maintain proper o2 and pulse sats.

Hope my ramblings may assist you.

The Wild Colonial Boy


Mitchypoo profile image
Mitchypoo in reply to

thanks for your lovely reply, actually mitchypoo was my gamer tag on xbox years ago but i still use it as a username as its often available to use. My lovely dog is Poppy she's 10 years old and by my side at all times. The tv series you have watched I believe is "gift of life" filmed at Newcastle which is the hospital i will be going to for assessment I have watched it also and its very inspiring. I am going to rehab twice a week at the moment for exercise and eduction on how to breath correctly and its is fantastic how positive it makes you feel. I will keep up with your posts and again wish you both all the best for the coming weeks.

big hugs

in reply toMitchypoo

Thank you

undine profile image

all my love and luck to you both xxx

onamission profile image

I can't imagine what went through her minds all the '' what if's '' but well done and I wish her a speedy recovery and a big pat on the back for being so brave

Thank you Bill for letting us all know please keep us updated

in reply toonamission

Thanks Mate

We talk all the time and it was only when I told her I loved her and would be waiting for her after surgery, then kissed Susan goodbye as they wheeled her into theatre that I felt anxiety from her, trembling, which she managed to avoid until this point. Sure she was terrified and told me so several times, but, my lady has more grit in one finger than most others. , luckily the anaesthetist was the brother of Susan's rehab exercise physio and She had alerted him of Susan's op, This put Susan in a better position, having just left me and finding someone whom she could relate to.

The next stage begins.....


onamission profile image
onamission in reply to

Hi Will it's fantastic news no mater how many '' what ifs '' the next few weeks will be challenging you will be in our thoughts

Dear Will, we are always desperate for happy news so it was lovely to hear of your early morning call! I can tell your Susan is a very precious lady and am sure you'll both make the most of every single moment once she's "up & running" with her new lungs. That will be a tribute to the donor in itself. All my fingers are crossed and my hopes strong, for a great recovery. You take care meanwhile. Much love xxx

in reply to

Thank you Hanne

It is messages like yours that makes it a privilege to sit here typing away with my response.

GOD Bless


Maureenpearl profile image

Hi BurrayboyEasty, I pray God will strengthen you both and continue to give you peace as you wait for Susan's recovery and healing. Praying also for comfort for the family of the diner.

Gob bless


in reply toMaureenpearl

Thank you Maureen


Update on Susan

Just arrived home from hospital, Susan has improved beyond expectations.

The Dr's have managed to fix the rhythm in Susan's heart, now they have to sort out what is happening inside the lungs.

Concerns for possible infection, rejection or crushed glass (the latter we do not want to even think about). We spent 3 hours in the Alfred today, Susan was sitting in a chair, a first since the op, and managed to stay sitting for 2 hours, but grew tired and opted for the bed.

I am very pleased with my wife's progress and cannot thank my "family" members here on H.U for you messages of support.


sibkev profile image

all the very best i was there 20 weeks ago and ive got my life back so if you need to ask anything feel free god bless

in reply tosibkev

Thank you sincerely,

We have so many friends, met here on H.U and I get a real kick when I see good people, like yourselves, who have gone thru the washing machine called lung fibrosis and have come out the other side, with hope, and a sense of well being.

The most important discovery we have made post transplant, is that just like when diagnosed, all seem to be different in how the disease affects each one of us and likewise how we have handled the surgery and learn to deal with the hic-cups we must face post op.

GOD Bless and best wishes on your travel on a far better road than before.


Beautiful woman so strong a wish her health and happiness good luck x

Thank you for your kind comments


tbeth profile image

Susan will be in my prayers.

Thank you Tbeth.

Are you aware this was posted 6 months ago??.

Strange..... you are the second person to send a message today.

Nice to hear from you though


calamity12 profile image

Good Luck

Thanks Calamity

I do not what has happened

This was posted 6 months ago Susan is doing well Thank you.


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