I wrote 2 days ago about my chest infection not clearing after 2 lots of pills....so now I'm on something stronger. BUT what I'm asking now is DOES ANYONE SUFFER FROM CRAMP. ...FEET ...CALVES...FINGERS...JAW...NECK..ARRRGH it's driving me crazeeeeee
CRAMP !!!!!: I wrote 2 days ago about... - Lung Conditions C...
CRAMP !!!!!

Yes I suffer from cramp drinking plenty of fluids will help with it. X
Its the bane of my life. I get it in all those places. Mainly get it if I have been working (sitting a lot of the day) and if my feet are cold. GP prescribed me quinine. it works well for me (when I remember to take it!). Always take a hot water bottle to bed with me now too.
Magnesium lotion, or magnesium oil, Holland and Barrett stock it and I've found it very useful in preventing cramp. My daughter takes a magnesium supplement as she gets pain in her joints - (a side effect of ppi's), I expect they would work for cramp as well. Personally I prefer the lotion, the oil feels a bit sticky for a while after it's been applied but it works just as well as the lotion.
I was given calcium lozenges that you chew but cannot take them make me feel sick not pleasant ! So still get cramp ! I do have poor circulation in feet and lower legs and rhynards so cold legs and feet most of the time . Also fibremaligia so not much comfort in
Legs Ect every day .
Why is it you get one thing then others follow ? Feel like a trip to vet may be better lol that Irish vet on TV Fiztpatricks is amazing lol what he dose for pets is break through surgery Ect he's quite dishy to lol .
Lol think I'd be shot if I was a horse lol
Are you saying the stronger pill is giving you cramps? Or you always get them. The pills I took for my uti, gave me terrible leg cramps. ๐.xx
I get it really bad when I take steroids, don't think abs would do it but I cant be certain . Really bad in the hands when im trying to hold tools and never had it before I took presidone . Allen
Sorry guys I should have said along side the antibiotics I also had 2 weeks of steroids (prednisolone) so by the sounds of it it is that that has caused it. THANK YOU ๐๐
I take magnesium pills...one a day.. and they work for me...
But you also have to look at how much you drinking. ....we tend to let that one slip a bit...
What ab are you taking. It could be the ab
Oh cramp makes my life a misery, especially in my feet and after a lot of searching online and because im on oxygen i wondered if it was down to a bit of dehydration after reading cyclists suffered the same thing. Now i add half a tablet of electrolyte and magnesium into a pint of water.
Results are it makes a huge difference to me
If you have cramp in your legs or feet at night you shou.d try the soap trick, it honestly does work. Get a tablet of white soap, Ivory Soap is best, it has to be the old fashioned sort with mahnesium etc in it. Unwrap the soap and put it between the mattress and the bottom sheet of your bed, down the foot end. I used always to have cramp in my legs before . I hane not had one cramp in the past 9 months I have used the soap. I know it sounds mad but it works.
I also rub magnesium lotion on my inner arms 3 or 4 times a week and that has taken care of the dreadful, hand cramps that I used to get. Magnesium tablets may work, I have gastric problems so I can't take them.
Hope that helps.
Hi evermore. ..I found your reply interesting as I to have gastric problems and take magnisum one pill a day.....no one said that I shouldn't take them...and i have not read erything about that...
Would be greatfull if you can let me know the reason please.

Hi Andy,
I decided myself not to take magnesium pills because I have IBS and lots of ABs cause me major problems. Stomach upsets are given as a possible side effect fron taking magnesium orally. In addition I already take so much oral medication I just didn't want to add another.
If you google transdermal magnesium you will see how beneficial it is when absorbed through the skin. Even if it is doing me half the good that the blurb says, it is better than popping a pill.
I began by using the pure oil but that takes a while to absorb and makes my skin prickle, now I use a cream, lower amount of magnesium but it works for me - no more hand cramps.
Hope that helps.
Hi evermore. ..thank you so much for getting back to me....
I am the same you having to take far to much medicine for my own good..
So I wellcome the information that members share on the forum. ..
I didn't know that you can get magnesium in oil and cream....theres meny a time when I got worried about how much harm i was doing to myself with all the pills I take.
I've put on 20 killos in under one year....I was 66 now 86...
I'm starting a new way to treat myself tomorrow.
My wife has put to drink two cups of home made lemon grass tea every day for a month.
sorry going on a bit...thanks again.
Evermore Do you think it's more likely to be the lotion you are rubbing in that is helping with the cramps rather than the soap at the bottom of your bed ๐๐
Hi alvorite, no I have been using the soap for almost a year now and that has definitely stopped the night cramps. The magnesium is more recent because I had such very painful hand cramps and searched the net in desperation. I don't know whether now I am using the lotion the soap is redundant, its harmless enough so I am going to keep it. May be belt and braces but I am not into testing and suffering the night cramps again, I like my sleep too much!
Comes and goes depending on how my health is and what medication I have added to the usual. It's horrible, really painful, I drop things and it affects my sleep. If/when it resurfaces there are good suggestions here I might try. x
Try decaffeinated tea and coffee
Caffeine is a diuretic
If you are not drinking enough
Worked for me
Try eating bananas for cramps.
All our family have cramp issues and plenty of water and controlled salt can help a lot. My problem now is I have high Uric Acid levels and chronic gout that can cause muscles to seize up. I have found that it can affect the lungs too?
Be Well
Get our doctor to test and see if you are potassium deficient.
Good day alvorite,
Yes it's horrid! Sometimes my feet feel as though they are being folded inwards - I want to laugh but it hurts. I get it in my neck from the top of my left shoulder up to the top of my head also on the left, so I just stay still until it goes away after a little time - fingers too on the left - I am left handed. My father used to keep a fresh tomato by the bed for if he got cramp in the night. Don't know if it worked but he did it for years.
I get severe cramping and wonder why!! I take magnesium tablets and I think I get some release. It's really awful when it's a brain cramp.....you know....the cause of senior moments!!๐
Just getting ready for bed , now have I got everything ?
Check list
hot water bottle
some oil hope three in one is ok
magnesium pills
a bar of soap
some lotion
lemon grass
decaff tea and coffee
glass of water
bunch of banana;s
and a pound of tomato;s
Must remember to get a bigger bed side table
Sorry but that lot did make me smile, prob get cramp now .
heh heh heh heh......get the haversack out - you'll need it!
I believe that Seretide can cause cramps
I cured my severe cramp by increasing my water/fluid intake together with Tonic Water with quinine and more salt in my diet. We had cut out salt completely even in cooking but we have reintroduced salt at the table. My cramps have gone thank goodness. Of course I need to find a toilet more frequently!!
Yes I do legs feet hands calfs not good is it ! I found the worst was the cramp in the chest lungs it felt very painful and scary ! I'd had a chest infection at the time . Don't want that too often