For all your kind replies. Would like to know what I can use to clear my nostrils. Since being on oxygen they get very dry and crusty and then bleed when I sneeze. Cheers. Joyce
Thank you: For all your kind replies... - Lung Conditions C...
Thank you

Sorry that I can't help with the nose (not on O2 myself) but I would think any non-oil based salve. Hopefully, someone will give a more useful answer!
I just wanted to say what a wonderful picture...friendship without boundaries! 😊
Tee x
Hi if you keep some vaseline and small bits around nostrils helped me a lot
I love that pic - an unlikely friendship, but they look the best of buddies.
So sorry your O2 is giving you problems, especially as you were so pleased to have it. Must be horrid. I do use O2 but not much and not enough to cause problems. I do know you shouldn't use Vaseline or anything with petroleum in it because it's flammable.
If no-one comes along with an answer you could try the respiratory nurses at the hospital, or your O2 provider, or the BLF helpline or you could try the ward you were on. You've only just been discharged and they are there 24/7!
Hope you get an answer soon. Good luck, Sue x
Thanks Sue . The lady in next bed had Vaseline banished but other nurses recommend it. Will find something else.
Hi Joyce, I am an Ambulatory Oxygen user and suffer similar problems as yourself.
You are advised not to use any type of Oil based creams if you use Oxygen. This includes things like Vaseline, Sudocrem, Vicks etc. Read the product ingredients if you are uncertain.
After using Oxygen I blow my nose to clear it then use a Nasal Inhaler to clear the tubes. If your nose is sore a bit of cream/gel can be applied to the nostrils.
Suitable gels include Aquagel, RoEezit or KY Jelly.
Aquagel is water based and is what they use in most hospitals.
RoEezit is mentioned in my Oxygen Handbook but may have to order from Chemist.
KY Jelly is available from most supermarkets/chemists.
Al the above can also be used if you have dry/sore lips. If my nose is a bit blocked up when I go to bed, I put a few drops of Olbas Oil on the sheet and that helps a lot.
Regards John
Not sure if you can use it with oxygen but if you can, glycerine might help.
Nivea or astral creame - good old fashioned procducts.
my pulmonologist told me to use KY jelly. it is a blessing... hope this helps.
KY gel is the way to go Joyce. Xx
RoEezit - bought from BLF (just over £5 for a small tube) needs very little but works really well and lasts for months! I can recommend it.
I don't use O2 but do use CPAP (with humidifier) hence the issues.
Hope it helps
You may smile but I was advised to try KY Jelly and naively caused quite an amusing incident in a local Tesco pharmacy where 2 young girls burst into laughter when I requested it. After an embarrassing intervention by the Pharmacist a tube was duly supplied and I have found it as good as anything else I've tried. A crusty nose from oxygen use is no fun at all, particularly when you're on warfarin as well.
I had the same problem when I first started oxygen treatment. I've had nurses who have told me to use vasaline but I know it is dangerous, as all oil based creams are. I found after being on oxygen for a few months my nose seemed to toughen up, I no longer suffer from bleeding or soreness