Big thanks to everyone who commiserated with me on my recent fall. Especial thanks to those who related their own stories of falling, mostly making them funny. We're a brave lot on Health Unlocked. It's taking me longer to recover than I thought it would. My shoulders still ache a bit, making it hard to do my ACB breathing and hoping I won't need to cough.🤪 I wonder if the jar to my spine has done something else as well- I don't feel quite right in other ways. One good thing- the doctor has given me some pills for my dizziness. When I saw him about this some time ago he declined, because I was on so many other pills already. This time he obviously felt I needed something. Still feeling unbalanced and the tinnitus is worse. Never mind- onward and upward. Love to everyone, Chris xxx
Thank you: Big thanks to everyone who... - Lung Conditions C...
Thank you

Thinking of you Chris and hoping things improve over time. Glad you have pills for the dizziness now. Xxx❤️🤗
I'm so pleased the doc has given you some balance medication, hope it helps. I thought the after effects would last a bit - mine certainly have after landing on right knee & hand. Hip & spine jarred as well as right arm & shoulder. In the past I would have got realigned with osteopath or chiropractic but can't afford that now. The lady I see does deep tissue massage, she works wonders & only charges me £30. She says keep walking and stretching so that's what I'm trying to do. Keep up with the balance classes, I shall find one too. P ××××
Thinking back to previous falls, the last bad one was last summer, I got a bad concussion when I lost balance on g'daughter's Segway & fell backwards onto stone slabs . The lump on my head was spectacular. A&E staff all had a good titter . Take care Mrs!
I'm trying to be careful, but I'm very wobbly. Good luck in avoiding any further falls. xxx
I always have Serc tablets in my bag for when i feel dizziness coming on after suffering for years with labryinthitis, dizziness is a horrid feeling so sympathise with you x
My tablets are called Betahistine. I wonder if they are related to yours?
It takes a while to recover from such a spectacular fall as yours! Even if you were 30 years younger Glad your GP is sorting it. xx