having been told by my gp i was in the end phase of emphysema in april 2012 and i had between 6 months and 3 years left 4 years later i was rushed to hospitle with pneumonia 4 weeks on antibiotics cleared it up but they then found a mass in my right lung it was a very large abscess 14 more weeks on antibiotics and its gone but left a large hole were it was then i was informed i had not got emphysema it had been the abscess all the time so i am now fit for light work only due to the hole it made so do not allways take your gps word see a specialist
all ways see a specialist: having been... - Lung Conditions C...
all ways see a specialist

Wow that's amazing and I am so pleased the GP was wrong. Surely though with 'very severe copd' you had been under a specialistt at the hospital? x
Hi compie, all sounds great for you.
I'm surprised though that it was your GP who told you about your time left.
Did you never see a consultant? Especially if your 'emphysema' was so advanced.
Did you not have pulmonary function tests done at hospital to determine how advanced your condition was?
You were definitely lucky & I hope you get on well in the future 🌺
Well, what great news for you. Hope all goes well, take care xxx
What great news Compie, I imagine you are on cloud nine! Xx
That is amazing. I am so happy for you take care x
It is wonderful that you have now been given the correct treatment and diagnosis, compie, and may your improved health continue. However, you have had four unpleasant years of incorrect information and treatment - that is shocking.
I assume you have changed your GP?
Keep getting better.
Tee x
compie , it sounds like you've been given a reprieve, it just goes to show that these people are just are just as capable of making mistakes like the rest of us are! I'm so glad you're still here to tell the tale! Stay as well as you can, huff xxx
Great news - but dreadful you have had this prediction hanging over you for so many years - unbelievable what ignorant 'professionals' there are in the World - all best wishes for the future xx
That is terrifying! Then again, so little is understood about COPD even by the medical profession. I bet you are so relieved. Hope you make a full recovery.
I am so so happy for you Compie, what a weight off your shoulders. But having four years of misdiagnosis needs to be looked into as a matter of urgency. Are they changing their approach now at the surgery do you know?
Best regards
good news very pleased for you xxx
Great news. Moral of this story is that you should always see a specialist and have an X Ray. Amazing story.