Talking about being to close to the STAR's dose anyone know if this is a meteorite. Is none magnetic but metal alloy IS rusty WITH thumb marks and is very heavy.
Using the app radiation detector on phone is radioactive 1.15mSv/hr
Also fillings under microscope look energised I must say is amazing as meteorite is not magnetic I know this quite a few finds that are not magnetic. But is as heavy as metal but looks like a alloy GUESS that's why am interested as never seen the likes.
Might be bit to close for comfort as I found it in my flower bed SPRING I bet most are found when we get warmer garden motivated.
Anyway further to what I believe to be my meteorite I found OR did it find me.
Well I did nickel test like a true expert and swab did not go red
Anyway it's pepping my head as I want to know what it is so I did some research and SEE the rusty colour of my meteorite.
Could I be right in thinking I could file some of that rusty dust of AS I believe it to be ferrite chloride THEN use it to see if it will etch the metal alloy core of what I have called transfomiom lol
As I don't know what it is