" Thought you might like to see how I keep my Electric bills down....Hahahaha! Might help Mm.... with his huge bills.....Hahahaha!.."
"TODAYS TIP FOR SAVING MONEY......" - Lung Conditions C...

thankyou I need some tips at the min , as you know im not one to grumble about spending money but our electric don't seem to get any better
Brilliant Megan! Went on your link & ended up watching some weird & wonderful videos!
Your secret's out now, we all want to save money on our electric! 😂😂 thanks
Jessy, me too, particularly liked vinegar down loo and baking soda for oven, am going to try that tonight!
Me too, Jessy.
Save money on lovely orange tea light, lost an hour on weird and wonderful links! Did you know you could remove watermarks from wood with toothpaste??
Tee xx
Thankyou Megan - and I bet it smells wonderful in your house!
M will need to do a lot then he can continue gardening in the dark;-);-)

what a slave driver you would be, continuing in the dark . im not like my granddad he use to dig his allotments in the dark with a hurricane lamp , didn't do him a lot of good he died when he was 67
I probably would - not - I like to do my own stuff M as long as I am able, dark or not. 67 - is too young. Alex was 67.
I misread the' with his huge,' need to get my eyes tested, or my mind cleaned.
always one who have to lower the tone
" Trust you to notice mm.....lol....love the tone lowered though...better for the eyes.... " Read that on Google.." Hahahaha.....Megan."
Bet that orange candles smells lovely will defo give that a try as I can't tolerate sprays and normal smelly candles, great tips Megan. Xx Sonia xx

" Sonia!..Dont know what's wrong with me lately...lol I'm full ideas..must be love...Megan."
Brilliant Megan, thanks for that. xxx
" So happy that your all finding the many many ideas....And the multitude of money saving tips That I posted for you..loads of viewing and reading...Have Fun....x Megan.."
I wonder if that vinegar would clean our lungs as effectively, just gargle, breath in, choke and hay presto clean lungs and probably an early grave. Oh well just a thought, any volunteers Ha Ha. (Mad Professor Dall)
" Awe! Tony...Sshhhhh you..lol..DON'T! You dare get trying it..Megan.."
I remember a singer for a band called 'Bad Manners' used to eat a jar of pickled onions and drink the remaining vinegar. He's still alive I think but lord only knows how. Must have very clean insides Ha Ha.
He used to call himself 'Fatty bust a Blood Vessel' , I wonder why! .
excellent thank you xxx
Mr M have you still not sorted your meter out the summer will be hear soon so you wont be using as much
well a guy came at check it said it was set ok , so must just be the heaters will have to get it build up for next winter during the summer months