Its a beautiful sunny day here in Tasmania. I don't mean to rub it in but winter is finally over down here. First day of Spring. Everyone is welcome to come down under for a warm summer holiday. Spare rooms for visitors. But you need to book. hahahaha.
SPRING has SPRUNG......(here in Austr... - Lung Conditions C...
SPRING has SPRUNG......(here in Australia)
Your very kind man thanks. But am worried about those little devils you got down there.
They hibernate in Summer.
That's great I'll er check my piggy bank later on when my girlfriend goes out.
Ya have to hurry Wedderburn I'm filling up quickly.
Hi Gerald,always love first day of spring,new beginings etc!
Here in Queensland,its been a very warm winter,so will be interesting to see what spring brings! Actually, I hope it brings some rain,we are still very dry.
In Tasssie you can see the beautiful change of season,as you know, we miss out on that.Enjoy your spring! xx
Wendells. The locals here say its the coldest winter for many years. certainly the coldest in the 10 years I have been in Tassie. Trees are beginning to bud and there are new lambs everywhere, just soooooo cute (and silly)
I'm in Melbourne and today is a beautiful Spring
day but I'm not getting too excited because it's going to be cold again!
Hiya Veg58. Today has been the warmest day for weeks and weeks. Temp has been down to -5 where I live . Coldest winter for years. Here's hoping we have a warmer or even hot summer. Speak again.
I am soooo rained all day here, yesterday and it was cold, and so dull.
So sorry for you Magpuss. Things can only get worse.
Magpuss why don't take up Gerald offer. now before the rest of the UK wakes up.
It sounds so good. .I feel gutted to use all money saved up for a holiday to pay for an operation on my shoulder.
Hi Gerald, absolutely beautiful here too today! I felt like composing odes to Spring. T.G. For some warmth and light.
Did you know today is "Wattle Day""NgaireM
No, I confess my ignorance. I will start singing "Wattle I do without you" at top voice ha ha ha
Lucky you with Spring being sprung....looks like it's about to pour down much for a barbie!😁😏 x
Ah, huffer, Just get the umbrella out.

😵🌂 sob!
Is that son of a bitch or short of breath?
Forgot to add...... hahahahaha
Lucky you aussies, will be on the next flight x
Beds ready Jan.

😳 smooth talker hahahaha!😁
Its your fault. I just broke a rib laughing and coughing. hahahahahahahahah
Oh for a winning lottery ticket ✈️.......
Do they still have lotteries in the UK?

Of course - if we can't look forward to proper summertime anymore we can at least fool ourselves into dreaming of visiting sunny spots, elsewhere in the world. I'll be buying a ticket later today, fingers crossed for a winner 👍🏻
Forgot to say, happy wattle day - the tree is really beautiful.......the colour of sunshine.
They smell quite nice as well.
Eyes, legs arms and other bits also crossed for you Magpuss
Oh I suppose until 1st March - how's that?
Well you will have to bring your own sheets and pillowslips and do your own washing.

OK! No problem. LOL
P.S. Can you cook? Could do deal here. hahahaha

Yep it is my favourite hobby. LOL. Talking of cooking I have to send my cousin in Dubai some recipes as he needs to lose weight for his No1 daughter's wedding in March must e -mail him. My pet hate is ironing and have a lot of diversionary tactics to avoid it - like staying on here all morning when only two of other half's shirts a couple of blouses and a pair of trousers are all I have to iron and i know that when I start it will be over in a thrice but just hate the idea of doing it!
Ironing? Whats ironing.
The sun is shining brightly here, plenty of clouds wafting about though.
I went for my first 10 klm walk outside today.So beautiful at the moment.

Great. Well done.
I have a treadmill for very cold and bleak winters days. So getting out to nature is great.
Autumn is well underway here and has been for the past month. Leaves already turning and falling and temperatures like late winter/ early spring. Summer was a total washout this year. Enjoy the nice spring weather.
I do like the visual aspect of Autumn. But its still bloody cold here in Autum
Had some warm days but cool nights still here at Nimbin, Northern Nsw. We have 80000 cofffe trees to harvest.
Hiya Bernard, I'm from Tassie. Nice to speak to you. .That's a lot of coffee beans from those 80000 trees.
Ha ha you are rubbing it in Gerald. Will be there tomorrow x
Lucky you! We have had a pretty rotten summer with just the odd heatwave. Now it is about 13 degrees and feels very autumnal.
Take care
13 degrees????? luxury
Case packed, airline ticket got. Just got to leave a note for family saying I'm off to Tasmania for my holidays. Well in my dreams! Xx
I can also dream about touring the UK. There is always the internet. Lots of pics one probably wouldn't see as a tourist anyway