Ended up spending Monday in at the hospital again.Can,t shake this sickness.I even joked with the Paras "Don,t be surprised if they shout hello again D as we walk in" Right enough a nurse and a doctor said hello.One of the busiest A&E s in Lonon.Still not conclusive but have damage from medications ( candidas steroids ) .They let me home after tests,where I was sick again.Not sure how this will impact LVRS might delay it.9th of May is very close,Oh well!D.
A&E regular.: Ended up spending Monday... - Lung Conditions C...
A&E regular.

So sorry about this. Miserable. Feeling and being sick are the worst sensations in the world. I do hope that it eases and LVRS isn't delayed.
Love and hugs
Oh farmer D, I don't know how you cope ...I was vomitting all day Sunday and that was bad enough. I actually rang 111 in the end as I couldn't take my regular prednisilone, and that made me feel worse. I wonder what is causing yours....have you been tested for heliobacter pyloris ...I think that's how it's spelt. My father had that bacteria in his stomach and he was often sick.
I hope you find relief soon. Take care.
Sorry to hear things are not going well for you D fingers crossed for you that things improve before the 9th May and so you feel better too .
FarmerD must get u down back and foe all the time Im wishing u a speedy recovery x
How awful D. I hope that docs get to the bottom of this horrible sickness very soon. You take care. Xxx
Oh I am so sorry to hear you are having such a rough time D. I hope this settles or they do something about it ready for the 9th.
Healing hugs
Sorry to hear your not feeling well fingers crossed for May take care
So sorry to hear you having such a rough time am thinking about you and hoping you improve soon. Love Moi X X x
My very best wishes for a recovery from this awful sickness. Vomiting makes you feel so helpless. I hope something can be sorted out for you.
My very best wishes.
How awful for you D! It's the worst feeling in the world feeling & being sick.
I do hope you get some answers & some help to clear up your problem. Preferably soon so it doesn't impact on the decision for your lvrs surgery.
Take care, thinking of you 🌻
Sounds horrible D. Hope you feel better soon. x
Bl****y H**l Dave, doesn't that body of yours ever give you a break ? It's good though that you can go to A&E and that they are welcoming and pro-active. A bit better then a GP consult which leaves you banging your head off the wall.
Don't want to sound smug now but didn't I mention Candida to you on Saturday. Very common in folks like us and can get really stuck in deep and cause us lots of problems. Anyone using inhalers and nebulisers regularly, should use Mycostatin mouth wash to cut down on oral candida. If they discover it's taken up residence in your system then they should give you IV anti-fungals like Caspofungin. Or maybe there's an oral equivalent. Tackling Candida aggressively helps such a lot with the pain and discomfort it can cause.
Good luck D ! Fingers crossed that they sort it out for you.
That a& e if I am correct is at the NM. ......casualty in my day always was like that. It's been enlarged greatly since I worked there in 1971/73......the other good thing then , was all the staff were registered nurses apart from on the reception desk.......Is it still like that....happy busy days. ........hope your on the mend.
I really feel for you D, 😢 being sick is so horrible 🙊 and I hope they can get to the bottom of it sort you out so you don't have to keep going back to your other bed..💙 huff x
Thank you for your kind thoughts.D.
Hi FarmerD is that's whats been up with your guts stomach
Hello FarmerD,,,,you are very stoic about going back to hospital time after time,,,may I ask are they sending you back home too quickly?,,if you stayed there,,would they do more to find out what is making you so sick and needing to come back,,,often?
What if you took a small bag with you and told them you were staying,,as you cannot continue with all this? so it would be better to stay and get the test results and then right treatment straight away?,,,
Steroids are very damaging to the body and when they have been used for a long time the body does not want to let them go,,,so it throws up all sorts of things and makes you so ill in the process,,,
I hope you get to the bottom of these problems and thet you start to feel better quite soon,,,,ttfn from Karen.
Thanks Karen,seems to be settling with the new meds so fingers crossed,again.I imagine the Brompton will investigate before my surgery as they won,t want complications.Between two hospitals and the GP something will turn up lol.D.