Am quite low at the moment as I have copd, ra ,2 tia'sand ther found a tumor on my brain which they think is benign but can't explore as nay ox is low . In the 70's any advice would he,lpds am on 4 l oxygen
hello I'm mo: Am quite low at the... - Lung Conditions C...
hello I'm mo

Hi Harvey
I'm so very sorry to hear ur news.
But u must fight on don't ever give in
We are all here to support u
If u need to talk I'm here for u xxx
Maggie x

Thanks Maggie. Was having a bad day. Much better now knowing so much support and good wishe's are out there. Xx
Hi Harvey
So sorry you are feeling low can only say stay positive my thoughts and prayers are with you. Moi x x x
Hoping for the best for you Harvey. Tell me please, what is/are 2 tia's?

Transient ischaemic attacks, Brondana, where a blood vessel is blocked briefly but then clears.
Hopefully Harvey, you've been prescribed some meds to thin your blood to prevent more
Thanks for the explanation eregendal. I never would have worked it out for myself.
Hello Mo , sorry to hear you have so many problems to face, but glad you came to us to chat. With everything going on in your life no wonder you feel low anyone would in your position, remember a problem shared is a problem halved, take care and keep warmxx
Good luck to you Harvey and hope things go better for you. Wishing you well. xxx
Hi Harvey so sorry to hear you are feeling so low, i understand your worry my GP thinks i have a pheo tumor, they thought they find it on the adrenal gland but have now out ruled that, they are still investigating, and trying to find it, my copd is not as advanced as yours tho, so i guess they will be able to do something but it is such a worry when you don't know what type you have, try to relax, tho'i know its hard but worry never helps, i just get panic attacks when i think too much, so spoil yourself with the things you like, i'm sending all my most positive wishes and prayers to you Harvey, you will make friends here cos there are so many friendly and helpful peeps here.
best wishes Harvey, suebun :o)