At last, from the people who know the truth!
e-cigarettes and Cancer Research - Lung Conditions C...
e-cigarettes and Cancer Research

At last some common sense! Great link and thank you for posting it. x

An absolute pleasure! 😊 X
Very good article...
.I am sick of reading attention grabbing headlines, and when you read the full story, its a different matter.
It's like statistics, it depends how you interpret ...( made up figures ) .....3 out of 10 smokers will die of cancer....or read the other way.....7 out of every 10 smokers will not die of cancer !
Cigarette smoke contains dozens of toxic chemicals, as well as nicotine...
E cigs or Vaping contain far fewer toxic chemicals.
If they work for you and keep you off the fags...keep vaping.
Velvet xx
Thank you for posting, very informative; one small point though - my GP and team seem to know even less about vaping than the average man in the street! I've been smoke-free for over six years now, thanks to e-cigs, and infections so reduced I seldom have cause to visit them.
That's brilliant, Dragonmum - I'm really pleased for you.
I have been arguing this point for years ever since I stopped smoking and switched to e-cigs. I know I could not have survived long if I had carried on smoking - I simply couldn't breathe without coughing/choking and, as soon as I switched, the difference was amazeballs!
By the way, I prefer to do my own research - most GPs are exactly that (general practitioners) and therefore have limited fields of knowledge.