I am so worried, as l have to go for a ct scan. The Doctors didn't like the look of the x-ray,and told me that lt could be cancer!
Mrs. Sharon Addison: I am so worried... - Lung Conditions C...
Mrs. Sharon Addison

Hi Sharon
You must be frightened by him saying that, and if he came right out with that remark, he is very wrong to have put it like that way.
Did you ask him, if so , he should have said there is a possibility it could be cancer
Without the ct scan being looked at by an expert, it could just as easily be something else.
I know no matter what we say on here, until you get your results back, you are going to worry.
Hopefully you will get your scan appointment quickly.
Whatever the outcome, there will be members on here who have the same condition, that you can chat with...and we are always here to support you, please keep in touch.
Best wishes
Velvet xx
Lovely reply from Velvet and l would echo her words. It is a worry for you but get that scan done and let us know the results because we are here for you. Xxx
Velvet is right, your doctor shouldn't have responded in that way.
My Mum went through the same scare about 4 years ago.
The consultant was wonderful stating that if it was cancer they would be able to cut it out and all she would need would be to have radiotherapy because it was caught early.
Mum had an operation to cut out the mass and a biopsy was taken. Turns out that Mum had TB and had to take 8 different antibiotics a day for 6 months!
It's easy for us to say don't worry but not everything is cancer. Think positive and chase up that CT scan.
Wishing you well.
Hi Sharon
Did he not explain what it was about the xray he 'didn't like the look of? Please don't get ahead of yourself, not easy with the very blunt comments. I believe in docs being honest but there are ways of doing this. If it is a shadow it could be anything. I have had shadows and the doc has a duty of care to give a scan. Mine turned out to be remnants of infection.
Please let us know how you get on. We are here to support you.
Rooting for you.
love cx
Hi. I agree with Velvet's post and as I am a bit down on doctors at the moment, I would like to take yours and give and stick him with 3 massive injections - 1 of tact, 2 of humility and 3 of compassion.
I honestly don't think they realise that by making careless and needless statements they cause their patients so much worry.
I hope your scan has a favourable outcome.
Best wishes
Ngaire xx
Hi, what a fright you've had. Try not to worry yourself too much (I know I know, easier said).
Get that ct scan done. As everyone says, there are plenty of other far less worrying things it could be.
Wishing you the very best, I too am awaiting your results. Peege
PS if you're a smoker please quit if you possibly can xx
Please forgive me if you don't find what I am about to say very helpful.
I am a "worst case scenario" type of person. When faced with difficult stuff I tend to look at the worst thing that can happen. And allow myself to live with it for a while to explore what it might mean for me, for my family, friends. I think it is an attitude of "face the fear". But I do appreciate that it is not the way everyone goes about coping with the very difficult situation you are in. The reasoning I might use in defence of my approach is that once you have looked at the worst case then any alternative feels like a bonus... ???
Anyway, I do hope things work out for you, it is TRULY a very supportive forum, so let us know what happens.
K xx
He should not have worried you , unless /or if it's a fact . Try not to get too worried (I know that's easy for me to say but you could be worrying for nothing , that said if it turns out there is a problem , we are here to offload too . It's sometimes easier to talk to someone who is not family or friends . I'm rooting for you , please let us know how you are getting on .
I had a similar experience. Follow up x-ray after pneumonia still showed dark patches. Told that I had to hve CT scan (Later found out it was to query lung cancer)
"Luckily" I only had bullous and defuse emphysema so not so bad then
I wish doctors would not do that because as others have said it could also be something else. If they just said we need to do further tests to determine what it is would be much more preferred.
Best of luck and sure hope it is something else and not serious.
so why are you worrying will worrying about it change it of course not just let us know how you go on . best of luck and you will see things always work out .
Dr's are often very insensitive. At best he was guessing. There could be many reasons other than cancer that he didn't like what the X-ray showed. Hang in there and get your ct scan. ❤️