The wife got princess Paris a new Christmas jumper, she looks so depressed wearing it lol
Poor Paris lol: The wife got princess... - Lung Conditions C...
Poor Paris lol

lol she don't look very happy about it, I know what she is thinking does my bum look big in this
Poor princess she does look a bit down in the mouth, gorgeous dog though
Is your dog a sharpei ?
She is a Shar pei, my grandaughter has a black one, a year old. He has big feet and is at the gangly adolescent stage.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww bless,love that face.
Oh dear, poor little darling. She is gorgeous though x
That is pretty, george has a blue version. He doesn't like his either.
What a face! Poor baby looks like she is in agony. Don't think shes liking it, even
a little bit. Bet she danced for joy, when you took it off! π free at last!
Rubyxx π π
She is sayng, 'Do you really think it is my colour?' Aaaagh! She is adorable!
We all laughed when my Godsons retriever got his Christmas outfit he walked as though he was on hot coals, we had to fake it off.
Poor Paris I am sure she will get over it.!!! I once dressed my sons rabbits up in base ball outfits.
I think we do it because we love our pets so much.!!!!
Poor Paris I brought two lovely coats for my labs all quilted and waterproof for winter with paw prints on them. In summer I had a light weight coat for the Rainey days I found it better for me when I got them back home drying a dog was hard for me as I had to get on the floor.