Paris playing with one of her brothers, one of those moments right time right place.
Paris with one of her brothers. - Lung Conditions C...
Paris with one of her brothers.

Look they are having fun 🐶😃 Xx sonia xx

Love your photo Sonia of your doggie sitting at the table! I think of that often and laugh😊 That was priceless!
😀 xx
Thanks ruby, he's buggered now I had a new table and chairs yesterday and moved it from the window, let's see if he still joins us for dinner now without the view 😜😃 xx sonia xx

😀😀😀 xx
Lovely doggies you have😊 what's her brothers name? How many pets do you have? I love the photos of dogs. I have 10 cats, so can't really get a dog. 😊
Love my kittys and get to admire all the members dogs!! 😊😊
Rubyxx 😊
We would love a cat but have two rescued lurchers (one is in the picture) I don't think it would be a good idea however we have 2 rabbits and they don't bother a hoot about them lol we also have a wee chinchilla, we had 2 but sadly one died last week.
So sorry about your chinchilla.
the remaining one must be lost without the other. Will you be getting another one?
😊 xx
Ah sorry about poor Chinchilla, other one will be sad, it's lovely to
See all the pets.
What lovely doggies. Is you Shar pei easy to look after? My grandaughter has a black Shar pei puppy. He has a lot of skin problems which cost her a fortune in special shampoos and ointments.
Lovely,to watch them play.our two JRS just ignore each other,Jack would play but Lady can't be doing with all that rough and tumble,Lol