When you have copd is it normal for your breathing to be worse. First thing in a morning
Copd: When you have copd is it normal... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Mojo, I think if you're having problems with your breathing at any time, you should see your GP.
You don't say if you've been prescribed inhalers to help your COPD.
Maybe you should make an appointment tomorrow to get advice. You can also phone the BLF helpline.
Take care 🌹
I have got an appointment with lung consultant on Wednesday , I have had 5 chest infections this year and was treated with antibiotics and inhaler and steroids, my oxygen level dropped low
I have just got over my last chest infection my gp has now put me on a brown steroid in haler. But my breathing is never normal and I am always wheezy
If you have COPD you should have at least one inhaler for COPD I used to have the brown inhaler I saw a stand in doc at my doctors and she put me on a inhaler for COPD you should be seen by the respiratory clinic to be put on the right medication take care x
I have Ventolin reliever inhaler and sereteide 250 preventer inhaler 2 puffs twice a day. I also take Uniphyllin tablets one twice a day and carbocillin capsules to aid removal of phlegm. I also have standby antibiotics and steroids. Since being on these my breathing is OK in a morning. I find that breathing exercises help when I am breathless. You need to ask the consultant about these meds and also about pulmonary rehabilitation.
Hi I don't know about 'normal' but I understand it's not unusual for your lungs to take a little time to get going in the morning. Mine do - and in fact I find it harder to get out of bed now than when I was younger. When I wake I feel so comfortable and I know as soon as I start moving about I will struggle for a while. It's not, however an option to stay where I am as I don't want to give up on life completely yet! Tell your consultant how you are feeling... and say you want as much information as possible! Good luck, best wishes x piggi
I find mine is worse until I have had a good cough.
Lots of people say it is, I often feel chesty in the morning.
Yes,I find it worse in the mornings,till Ive taken my puffers etc.then it settles again.But do have a word to your Doc.about it xx
I have RLD and my lungs loose a further 12% function when I am flat. So I would think the need for extra pillows may help you in bed.
Be Well
What is RLD?
Restrictive Lung Disease.
It is like blowing a balloon up inside a jar. I have put a link below that shows the main differences to COPD and RLD.
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