I have just received my letter from my GP inviting me in for my flu jag. Rang to arrange an appointment - I got one for 25th November. I suffer from severe asthma and bronchiectasis. I feel that this is very late in the year for a flu jag. Any thoughts.
Flu jag: I have just received my letter... - Lung Conditions C...
Flu jag
I think thats late too ours started a while ago
Hi I haven't had mine yet so I hope it isn't too late for it. x
Yes it is. You really should have it early October. This used to happen to me. I used to be told to ring on a certain day because I had to have one of the first appointments and when I rang could often not get an appointment until much later. Used to make me laugh. This year however I had an appointment with the doc for something else in 29 Sept and she offered me the jab then! Going to do that in future.
Our surgery has a couple of mass jab sessions early October. We all receive a post card letting us know the dates and times, just turn up with the card and all the doctors are there to help out . Straight in and out works really well. Anyone who can't attend can of course phone for a seperate appointment, but I think they like to get them all done before end of October.
Ours is late too, 21st November
Boots are doing flu jabs, you don't have to pay with asthma and bronciectasis. When I picked my prescription up from boots they asked if I wanted flu jab. I told them I get done at doctors free, they told me they also do them for free. So it might be worth trying them out if worried, take care x
My surgery did them end September.
Mass sessions and an evening one.
I was ill couldn't go, so practice nurse did it.
They also send text message reminders.
Ann ☺
I didn't get any notification this year so I phoned and got an appointment with the practise nurse then found out I could have had it done at home by the District Nurse.
take care
polly xx
Never too late. After all Flu has barely got going this year. And I always think it boosts your immune system, though that might be psychological!
Most start in September/October. Next year, try ringing and asking for an appointment in late September.
The NHS website says best time for it is Autumn before early Nov so it is a bit late, but I haven't had mine yet either (my fault). Lots of chemists will give you a free one if you fill in a form & take the GP letter with you. Tesco are also doing this. Maybe you could phone up a big chemists eg Boots, Lloyds, or Tesco and see if you can get one before end Nov?
ps you'll be ok because the main flu season is late Dec-end Feb and vaccine takes about 3 weeks to take effect, but I have the same illnesses as you & would feel late Nov is cutting it a bit fine. Going to get mine done next week, definitely!
Our surgery never writes to tell you but it is on a note on the prescriptions. They started in September and are still doing some late Saturday morning ones. Better late than never. Perhaps your surgery only writes to patients when they haven't turned up for the open sessions? I realised a long time ago that I have to be proactive about these things 'cos they are not going to remind me. When you get your new diary/calendar for 2016 make a note of these things (and annual checkup - although my doctor does remind me of those).
Yes I got mine a month ago, and with your symptoms they should be more virulent ..... Take care. 😐
I sould have had mine a mouth a go but was ill doctors phoned to day booked me in for 12november
Thanks for all the replies. I was interested to hear what what happening in other areas. i feel end of November is rather late but my health centre does not do extra sessions for administering the jag.
Thanks again