I have had poor lung function due to copd and just been diagnosed with fibremyalgia. I am currently struggling to breathe when walking (worse than normal) and don't know if it is the weather or fibremyalgia. My peak flow is pretty much normal and steady. Is anyone else suffering in a similar way?
Copd and fibremyalgia: I have had poor... - Lung Conditions C...
Copd and fibremyalgia
You might have to wait until tomorrow for an informative reply, but somebody will get back to you. Humidity, cold winds affect my breathing. (Bronchiectasis). Kaye
Have you recently put your heating on? I struggle so much when the heating is on Doing the washing out sinus thing & the heating has only been on for a couple of hours a day, hope you manage to control it soon LF 57
As far as I know, Peak Flow is not a useful measure for COPD, you need spirometry. Mine is very low constantly (airway narrowing rather than COPD). I have been finding it very hard to breathe lately but I don't know why nor what to do about it. If I speak to my gp, I will find myself referred straight to the hospital
I was diagnosed with Fibro and an autoimmune disease before I was diagnosed with Copd.
I'd been blaming the breathlessness on the fact my legs feel like they are set in concrete, which makes walking on slight inclines very painful and exhausting.
I'd also checked both conditions to see if breathlessness was a symptom and it was, so, I didn't bother telling my GP for a few years.
The Fibro makes me exhausted and flare ups, make me feel much more breathless.
The change in temperature affects me most and I'm always much better in warmer weather. So, for me, the two go hand in hand. There's not much we can do about it. I just try to get a short walk in, every day. xx
Although I am fed up with it in a way it is good knowing I'm not alone. Your description is exactly the same as I feel and I have been saying the same for a few years before getting a diagnosis of fibremyalgia. I have had breathing issues for years, starting with bad asthma as a baby (in those days there were no inhalers) and eventually progressed to copd. I try to keep as active as possible and am struggling to work as I like many others now have to wait till I am 66 before getting my pension.
I suffer as you do in fact I Didn't know I had a bad wheeze until I was videoing and heard my wheeze over the videos
I would suggest you see your gp
For the people that have breathing issues and that have been diagnosed with other conditions such as fibro, als, or other autoimmune conditions, I can almost guarantee 100% that you have MCIDS - Multiple Chronic Infectious Disease Syndrome. Basically, you have Lyme Disease and/or Babesia (B. duncani/WA1, B. divergens, B. microti, etc.) and/or Bartonella, and/or Mycoplasma, and/or Chlamydia pnemoniae, etc. If you have breathing issues alone, PLEASE look into Babesia. It's a protozoal infection - and what I have.
I have been looking for over a year for why I can't breathe. I have been referred to Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and some fantastic respiratory hospital in Colorado, but never went, because when I started treating Babesia with Malarone (anti-protozoal) and Doxycycline, I started getting better.
How and why did I start treating for Babesia? Well, I also have Lyme and Bartonella quintana, and after I treated those infections, the Babesia came out. Bartonella and Babesia are very common co-infections of Lyme Disease. They are often silent infections in the general population until old age, stress, or other situation that creates an immuno-compromised state.
I know most of you are in the UK, and I don't know if you have many Lyme-literate physicians (LLMD's) there, but that is where you would look to get treatment for Lyme / MCIDS / Babesia.
God Bless you all!
LF57 pop your Fibromyalgia question up on the Thyroid UK site on here (HealthUnlocked,)
You also mentioned the weather - maybe your Vitamin D blood levels are low that can cause some types of bone pain or fibro type pain too. (vit D is the Sunshine vitamin.)
Also low or deficient iron levels = low oxygen = Breathlessness.
Hi I have Athritis, Fibromyalgia and just been diagnosed with COPD. I am also in the same position. The only thing I can think is it's a combination of all three. I can be aching and be short of breath when walking one day but the next fine. Either I'm not in tune with my body or just used to the pain and discomfort. My children notice my shortness of breath before I do to be honest. I know that doesn't answer your question really. Maybe we just get used to the way things are and are so good at just carrying on. Stress normally starts my fybro off and being cold or damp. I hope your symptoms calm down soon, gentle hugs.