Got lower rate daily living, as lady said on letter I could hold her hand and pinch funny that considering I have osteoarthritis in one hand and can't pinch at all, and I could look at her . Anything better than nothing but cant believe have of what was on my form have to wait 3 months to get my money in case my illness improves and then at bottom of letter it says they will review me in 10 as they know my copd don't get better. Talk about a laugh
Pip: Got lower rate daily living, as... - Lung Conditions C...

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Review in 10 years ment to have put
you don't know weather to laugh or cry with them , they do seem to have good imaginations when they assess you on what you say you can do . but like you said at least you got something and you will be guaranteed it for 10 years did you not get any thing for mobility , if your conditions get worse you can always contact them and say things have changed and you less able to do things and can be reassessed good luck take care
You can ask them to look at your case again and say you disagree with their decision but they then look at the whole thing. Well done on getting both care and mobility without having to fight for it. Xx
OMG they will assess you in 10 years as they KNOW your COPD wont improve at last the penny might of dropped. Well done I'm pleased you got something
Thank you at least they won't have to bug me with those stupid forms and questions because they don't take any notice anyway
Try appealing I did for esa it took 18 months and a high court judge but in the end I won some nurses are really stupid ! Xxx
Good luck with your op x
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