Is anyone having a tough time with the high humidity levels?Sats are good but SOB
Humidity: Is anyone having a tough time... - Lung Conditions C...

I HATE the high humidity. It makes me sweaty, short of breath and thoroughly uncomfortable. It also drains all my energy.
Gives me s tight chest. Sucks.
I have huge problems with anxiety and just seeing those high numbers on the weather forecast sites are guaranteed to set me off. The cold I can cope with but hot and or humid awful
My husband can't cope with the cold either so the weather forecast is more like a test of anxiety!!! xx
Yes, normally do not need Ventolin but do now. Do not know if pain in chest is arthritis of the sternum (broke last year) or inf!. Manahging on 3 hours sleep with rosacea, arthritis (really playing up) and bronch. Venting here 8.35 a.m have to be out in an hour not showered and feel grumpy. I thought better here than to other half. I can see the funny side venting to a machine. Maybe personal robot who would not get upset.!!!!!!Love Kaye
yes its been horrible last few days .I find it hard to get the perfect weather cold wind ,frosty ,hot ,humid weather all make me worse .
Husband is really struggling - as you SATS OK but so SOB xx
Yes, which is why I am sitting here chatting and turning a blind eye to the housework! 😀
Yes it's horrible when the humidity is high. It's so uncomfortable & depressing. Chest tight, no energy, breathing bad. I don't need to look at the weather charts to know its high humidity, I can tell by the way I feel! Last 3 days have been bad but today I feel a good difference, breathing easier, chest feeling more normal. Hope you're all feeling well today! 🌷
Well, I have got extremely short of breath, even more than I usually am. Really slows me down. X
I hate high humidity. I'll take fall any day. Looking forward to it. Here in n.j. usa, it's hot and humid most days.
Tomorrow my hubby and I go to a big golf game. ( he's a big fan ) I'm dreading it. Think it's predicting hot and humid.
Rubyxx 😊