High Humidity I find my breathing gets worse anyone else find the same , I have emphysema stage 4
High Humidity : High Humidity I find my... - Lung Conditions C...
High Humidity

Absolutely, it's been dreadful where I live. By midnight in the late 90's every night for about three weeks or so, always in the 80's!
Thanks for reply Annie31
It is here to I never known Edinburgh to be so humidity so high.
I live in Wiltshire so we couldn't be much further apart! I can't remember it being so high for so long a time period either. We tried using a dehumidifier but that presented its own set of problems too. We haven't got a condensation or mould problem at all, so all it did was took a little moisture out of the air and blew hot air back out so we were stifling because of that! Couldn't win!
We have the windows open and a tower fan running and iv got to walk around with a hand fan plus inhalers see doctor tomorrow but was told in may nothing they can do. And am not give up that easy.

I hate it when the humidity is high it really does affect my breathing. Have a good evening and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Hi and welcome. I have stage 4 emphysema. Humidity affects my breathing too along with very windy weather, very cold weather, very hot weather! When it's very humid and/or hot I find a fan sometimes helps.
I know the feeling . Have the oxygen butt sometimes it feels as though not working. I do love the sunshine.
High humidity affects me a lot and I am only stage 2. I can usually wear a face mask for short periods but couldn't at all during this time.
Yes I struggle when humid
Same here TTB, air quality, humidity, hot, wet / damp, windy, very cold weather, all these impact on my breathing. I tend not to venture out when the weather is not lung friendly.
It all just feels so fast I was getting about but now my breathing I can't do anything with losing my breath. But I understand about friendly weather.
Update - just looked at the levels it's now 90! It's been in the 50's during the day, steadily rising this evening at 75 but once again within the last hour risen to 90! I was wondering why my breathing is difficult and have been sucking on my ventolin!!
Is this why I’m struggling? I hope so because I thought I was deteriorating quickly. The RH outside is 79 just now, 11a.m. I’m back from walking to the post office, 3500 steps (so my phone says) there and back but I was gasping by the time I got to the shop, ok on the way back and fine in the house. Thermometer in the house says 61 RH but not sure of the accuracy.
The humidity here again this morning at 11 am was 74! At 1.00 am (nightime) it was still 88! It's gone down to 71 here now but we aren't getting much respite in between. I did read the most suitable levels for people suffering COPD is between 30 and 60 at the highest - anywhere between is manageable. I do think it explains a lot of people's worsening of breathlessness in recent weeks, along with the hayfever, changeable weather conditions and extensive lockdowns etc. Haven't got a lot going for us really have we? Lol! 😂😂
Hi up here its cooling down we ate 22.1c humidity is down to 59 and it's still raining we are day four of rain and more rain. Was put on morphine day still don't know who I feel about it I just have to get on with it.
Gone down to 67 now and we have a bit of sunshine thank goodness! I take it you mean oramorph? I hope you feel the benefit of it, personally I don't seem to find it very useful but I know a lot of folks do so let's hope you are one of them. Don't worry about using it, it seems to be a lot more commonly used than you would think but I only use it when all else fails so I'm probably not the one to make a comment really! Lol!
I can't do that anymore am in a wheelchair just get around the flat hard work more so in its weather. It's cooling down its 22.1c humidity is 59 and still raining 4 days of rain !
Yes , it makes my breathing a lot worse , but then I seem to have very few weather conditions that don't do that . Take care 🤗🤗
I feel your pain. I installed proper air conditioning unit in my lounge (not the plug in type you move around) the best tho g I ever did. WHAT A DIFFERENCE I can breath and I'm stage 3. Expensive, but no price on your life, I know not everyone can afford it but if u can it's worth it's weight in gold. It's a heater in winter too.
Hi Linjones, I have been thinking the same, installing air conditioning. Can you give me an idea of the cost and the manufacturer please? Thanks
Hi Timetobreath , yes , I too have problems when the weather changes with high humidity , as well as the changes from nice sunny warm weather to cold and damp . I .just keep taking the pills ! - not much we can do about it . !....I'me curious about the use of the word " STAGE 4 " , or any " STAGE " ... ? - where did you get that from ? ...I've had copd etc for about eleven years , and a " Stage " has never been made by my doctor or Consultant !! ... - trouble with that word , apart from being a matter of opinon ! , - it just makes Patients think there'e " reaching the end of life , as the " Stages" go up ....! - a friend of mine was once told he was " STAGE 4 WITH CANCER ."...............THAT WAS 12 YEARS AGO !!!, - in other words , this " Stage " business is really meaningless !! ..- its how you feel thats more important ! ... - good luck !!😀
The stage of lung disease is based on Fev1 levels. My lung function is such that I am classed as having stage 4 or end stage emphysema. That said, it is not indicative of life expectancy. People can live for many years with end stage disease as your friend has shown.
Hi there. I live In nz and we experience very high humidity. I was reading an article on copd a few weeks ago re humidity. The ideal humidity for anyone with copd is between 30 & 50. We have a dvs system which eliminates all condensation. I bought a dehumidifier to find the humidity in my bedroom varies between 50 & 80. For the past few weeks I have been running the dehumidifier 24/7. For the first two weeks I was removing up to 5 litres of water per day. Now on week three I would be removing maybe 3 litres per day. The humidity is down to 51 mostly but when I leave it off for a few hours or overnight it quickly rises to 70+. However it does not take long to get back to 50. I am a bad sleeper but appear tobe sleeping better at night. We are in the middle of winter here and for some reason the respiratory illnesses for everyone appear to be exceptionally high this year. Mine Included.
Absolutely. I think high humidity has an effect (albeit much less extreme) even for those people without lung problems. I have COPD and asthma and always feel worse when it's humid.
Yes, definitely. There's also been a lot of thundery high pressure weather around which also gives me headaches.
I have the same problem, I bought a dehumidifier together with a fan helps tremendously. I also have a problem when the humidity is very low in the 30%s so I bought a humidifier too. Can’t win with this condition 😤😓Barbs x
Totally Also With All Other Weather Conditions I Always Keep My Inhaler Beside Me With Me .. U Take Care Keep Safe 🖤🖤
Yep, me too. My COPD is much worse if the humidity is above 70% or so. This last week or so has been very bad. Its why I tend to spend the winters in southern Spain!
I find a portable air conditioner very helpful. The ones that have a hose which goes out the window. They do cost approx £250 or £300 or more, but are worth their weight in gold. I think some may be a bit cheaper. They act as dehumidifiers and air coolers. The hot air gets blown out the window. Only downside, apart from the hose, is the compressor, as they are noisy.But your breathing will be so much easier...oh, and you need to empty the water it takes from the air, though the pipe could go out the same window.
Get one sooner rather than later, as the shops run out of them.
Hope that helps. Mine has saved my life.