Hi There,I went to see consultant about gall bladder removal and was told I could not have the op because my breathing is not good if I had to have the big op I would not survive the anaesthetic,I was in shock to say the least,so now if have a flare up I have to get the endescope to fish them out, can't get my head round it yet,is there anyone else had news like this?thank stephne
gall bladder and c.o.p.d.: Hi There,I... - Lung Conditions C...
gall bladder and c.o.p.d.

Oh stephne how upsetting and dissapointing. Did he refer you to an anaesthetist at all? Just wondering if you have thought about a second opinion. Are you anywhere near Yorkshire because a nurse told me docs come for surgery or members of their families to the surgeon who did my gall bladder surgery. He wouldn't do it until I had seen an anaesthetist in out patients and had his approval. He also liaised with my resp cons. If another cons comes to the same decision because of your lung isssues, then I can appreciate just how hard that must be to come to terms with.
Love cx
I am due to have this as well I have 2 appointments next week to see if my lungs will be ok as I too have copd
Am very surprised at this.
Can I ask how severe you are? I had to have a hysterectomy a couple of years ago and no question that couldn't have surgery. Was warned that if problems might be taken to ICU but all went fine.
Hi Bevvy there are other consideration to be taken into account with removal of gall bladder. I appreciate you probably had a GA but there is always the option of a spinal block with hysterectomy. With gall bladder removal there is not - it is GA only. Not only that if they are doing a lap chole (keyhole) they have to pump in a lot of gas, which in itself can compromise our lungs and if it does then they have to then change to open surgery. So there is a lot to be taken into account when someone has lung issues.
My cons registrar was scared stiff and basically wanted me to go away until the pain became unbearable. It was already unbearable and I asked to see the consultant. His attitude was totally different and as I said he liaised with anaesthetist (leaving the GA decision to him) and resp con. There was a bed booked on HDU but luckily I didn't need it.
Am just concerned for this lady who likely to be in lots of pain.
Also what might happen for any of us with lung conditions if need surgery with GA ....
Yes I appreciate your concerns Bevvy - gs pain is hurrendous.
Although they shy away from GA if they can help it with lung issues, they do often go ahead and would do it in an emergency situation. I have had lots of GAs in my lifetime, one on the lung itself aged 15. In fact they used to give GAs to kids in the 50s for bronchoscopies.
Forgot to say I am pleased for you your hysterectomy went well.
Hi stephe...I have been told I could not go under anesthesia because of my lungs. So when docs recommend I get a colonoscopy or gynocology test, I always say "why". "If you find something, you can't fix it!" They always look at me with stunned expression and then the light bulb goes off and they say "right!" . I would ask if they could do the surgery using a spinal anesthesia. Good luck?
Maybe they could use a spinal anesthesia.
my Lung
Specialist said i coucould not have any procedures like a colonoscopy however my Primary care doctor said it would be Ok. Conclusion: try to getanother qualified opinion and let us know.
I believe we can have a colonoscopy procedure because they just give a very weak dosage of anesthesia to put you into a bit of a twilight sone.
I have had 2 colonoscopys, one without anything and the next I had to have Entinox. Don't think they offer GA for this but as Mooskie says they do offer sedation.
can I just say I am overwhelmed with all the replies ihad, thank you all for the support you gave me.love Stephne.x
Hi Stephne. I had exactly the same experience a couple of years ago. No op because of the problem with the anaesthetic and my breathing. Had the endescope procedure to remove two large stones. Easy peasy no panic, sedative in my arm, no problem and only took a few minutes. A cup of tea and a couple of slices of toast after and home. So please don't worry. Regards Judy
Hi Stephne, My husband has copd ( emphysema), & there wanted to remove his gallbladder too as he suffers with a lot of pain with it, but the doc told him it was up to the anesthetist, but he said the same, that he would not survive the op, it would be 50/50 chance of survival, so he has to just cope with the pain when it comes on. But your diet will help, may- be your doc will send you to see a dietsion . im so sorry your going through all this life is hard enough. Good luck hope you get on ok x.
Hi Stephne,
I also need to have my gall bladder removed but the surgeon also told me a couple of years ago that he was not happy to perform it because of my chest condition. I do not have COPD but severe asthma with fungal sensitivity (SAFS).
He did say that he would perform the surgery if I really wanted it but appeared very reluctant.
This turned out to be a blessing in disguise as three years down the line I have been diagnosed with tracheomalacia, which apparently takes years to develop. If I had a general anaesthetic there would have been major problem trying to remove the breathing tube at the time. So, here I am stuck with a low fat diet and my many, sizeable gallstones!
Hopefully, you will not have that dreaded severe epigastric pain again
Stephne let us know how it goes. Will keep my fingers crossed for you. Good Luck