A Quiet Week In Our Street... - Lung Conditions C...

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A Quiet Week In Our Street...

4 Replies

A quiet enough week in our street...

Jonny has all his bales of silage collected from the fields...he'll be spraying the tops of the bales with white paint to stop the Rooks and Crows from pecking the shiny black plastic...if air gets in, the silage spoils you see...you don't have to completely cover the top...just a couple of squirts of spray paint is enough...

Some people paint faces on their bales...we once saw some that had noughts and crosses games on them...

Ronan came to put a new ballcock in our water tank...he's a man of few words is Ronan...he didn't fall through the ceiling which is just as well...I tried not to look at the scary bulge in the wooden ceiling while he was up there...

He'd have come through over the top of the newly painted dresser and then I'd have been cross...

It's rained for the entire week...that horrible drizzly rain that creeps down the back of your neck and makes flip-flops squelch...I go out each day to sort through the tubs of flowers for giant snails and those seriously horrid Great Green Slugs...though the worst ones are the Leopard Slugs...they give me a serious case of the shivers actually...

The Blackbird has a second brood of babies in the ivy near my shed...the nest is just out of my reach so I can't see the young ones but can hear them squawking at the tops of their voices...

There ought to be Dragon Flies about but we've not seen any yet...they dart across the garden...vivid emerald and bright sapphire blue...

Nancy has made friends with the dog belonging to the Italians...he or she looks to be a cross of something...but it's well-behaved and won't come out of their yard which must be a disappointment to Nancy who likes to roam about chasing cars and tractors...

The salt lamp seems to have been an unintentional freebie from Amazon...they said they'd cancelled the order because there were insufficient funds in my account which was actually a complete fib...there's enough for a dozen salt lamps...but they wouldn't listen so I gave up. The following day the postman brought it...all wrapped up in swathes of bubble wrap and cardboard.

It's lovely actually...casts a warm glow in the evenings when I plug it in...don't know whether they are truly beneficial health wise...doesn't much matter really.

Another quiet week then...

4 Replies
knitter profile image

That's lovely Vashti...it would be good as an audio book to listen to before I go to sleep.

By the way what's the name of the yellow flower ?

Good luck with the search for a new inhaler....its been a question of trial and error for me.

Azure_Sky profile image

Sometimes it's good to have a quiet week. So often when a quiet week crops up it means something exciting is going to happen. I look for your posts every day. Yours cheered me up.

I have a broken tooth, the crown snapped off. this morning I woke with my tongue very sore and an ulcer underneath. Swallowing is agony, even after heavy pain killers. My neck hurts too and there is lump under my jaw. It is very difficult to cough too.

I have an appointment at the out of hours place, after a chat with the 111 lady. I had to talk out of the side of my mouth. Heaven knows what I sounded like!

beeperoni profile image

Hello Vashti,

i didn't notice in your post what type of flowers those are in the picture. I love them...so pretty

They are Elecampane...said to have been planted under the windows of Chinese scholars so they could meditate when rain fell on the leaves...!

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