I came across this while looking for something else.It may not be your type of music but try and watch all of it.The link seems to be being difficult but if you just highlight it,press control c then open new window,click top bar and press control v.Or type in Mike Love,permanent holiday into youtube.ENJOY.Be interested your comments.D.
Like Music?.....: - Lung Conditions C...
Like Music?.....

Not sure where the text I wrote with this went anyway....Came across this while looking for something else,it may not be your type of music but try and watch all of it.Be interested in your comments .ENJOY.D.:))
Thanks for posting it Farmer D. Fantastic track which I've posted on my Facebook page. A long track but didn't seem 10 minutes long. 2 guys with some neat technology. Great vocals and musical performances. Not heard of Mike Love so I will look for more of his music,
Best wishes
Bit slow to get going but excellent. Good find.
Quite Bob Marleyish farmer. They're good although I didn't manage the full song, about 3/4. His guitar playing is brilliant and they sing well too.
Different. xx
Absolutely brilliant - thank you!
Liked that, we have a Rasta at our BreatheEasy group, I'm sure he would love it. Chris
Really enjoyed it .there are some really talented people about .kookie x
Great Farmer, very talented pair, music just right for sunny days and chill axing. Love Margaret xx