The sun is out already.: What a... - Lung Conditions C...

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The sun is out already.

holly17 profile image
45 Replies

What a beautiful morning, right every body it's a bank holiday, we know that Peege is possible going up to her knees in the pool today and that Lyn just might be going over for a BBQ by the heated pool, but what about the rest of us what are we going to do, if travel is not a problem where would you all like to go just for the day, come on lets dream a little. I am off on a trip in the shuttle so that I can experience just what its like to be weightless and most of all see the world from up there in space, I have hired it and at the moment there is just the crew and I so if anyone else would like to come along just shout, if not where are you off to for the day.?

The village blacksmith was getting old and finding the work a bit to much with all the lifting and hammering so he put an advert out for an apprentice, being a village there was only one applicant and that was the big blonde lad who was a little slow, but the blacksmith thought better him than no body. The old man was a bit crabby and exacting "Don't ask me a load of questions right " he told the blonde lad, "Just do what ever I tell you to do right."

Later that day the old man took a large iron bar out of the forge and laid it on the anvil "Get that big hammer from over there" he said to the blonde lad, "And when I nod my head hit it as hard as you can right".

There is now an advert for a new village blacksmith in today's paper.

Everyone I hope the sun is shining where ever you are, and you are able to enjoy the day. xxx :) ;) Fred

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holly17 profile image
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45 Replies
Colours23 profile image

I'm on board already waiting for the take off, just preparing some food n drink. What a lovely day we can have with the sun coming through. Fancy dress will be fine.x

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Colours23

OK Colours fancy dress if you want, it should be fun trying to eat and drink the food you bring but we will have a good laugh when trying. :) xx

Suzy6 profile image

Good morning Fred. No thanks oh I would get too dizzy. Just give me a flight in a Spitfire please, please.

Hope you are well today?

Sun is shining. Gives me a feeling of well being.

Still twittering.

Take care Fred. Love Suzy(W)xxxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Suzy6

Morning Suzy(W) shame I was hoping you would come, but fair enough love you go off for flight in your Spitfire its on the runway ready for you, carry on twittering lol. :) xxx Fred

huggs profile image

Morning Fred,

Good joke, lol . I am just waiting for someone to open the shuttle door for me, and have some veggie food, cameras and music. Ooops forgot to mention I have Felix along with me too as he loves travelling. Looking forward to our outing. lol

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to huggs

Right you are Huggs its alright to bring Felix onboard as long as you think he will be alright floating around, you better feed him before we blast off. Welcome aboard :) ;) xxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to holly17

Thanks Fred, oooh its lovely aboard, so comfortable, and well fitted out. Still a few empty seats though!

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

Sokrackers profile image

Oh Fred

'Fly me to the moon....'

I would love it. Now I think that song is going to go through my head all day.

No real plans just visiting relatives and getting jobs done.

But tonight it's body pump at the gym! I don't usually go on a Monday but will male the effort.

Take care and enjoy your trip


holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Sokrackers

Kracker enjoy your day and be careful at the gym seeing you are making the effort (or male as you said )lol take is easy love do not go to mad. See you on our next trip . :) xxx

in reply to Sokrackers

Blimey steph i dont know how you keep so fit..........what stage COPD are you at...x

Sokrackers profile image
Sokrackers in reply to

Hi Mandy

June last year I was diagnosed with severe 32% or 23% I think but now I'm up to 76% so I guess I'm mild now?

Hey I don't jump around like the youngsters I just do my best LOL

Every little helps

in reply to Sokrackers

I think your amazing the way you keep going like you on earth have you managed to improve so much.

Its good for new members to see messages like yours and to know they can help improve their health x

Jolyn profile image

Good sunny morning Fred...well at least its sunny at the moment, so fingers crossed it stays that way.

I'm coming with you all...ooh a trip to the stars...lets go and ride some comets. Yay!

Have a good day everybody. :-) xxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Jolyn

Oh that's great I thought you were going to be busy, do you want a window seat ? while we are up there seeing we are day dreaming we are able to pop over and see mars if anyone fancies as we can do anything we want and go anywhere we want, all aboard if your coming. :) xxx

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to holly17

Mars sounds good to me Fred...I wonder if there'll be any shops open there. I'd better get my purse so I can buy some souvenirs. lol :-) xxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Jolyn

I expect there will be some shops open as seeing its a bank holiday I expect it will be rather busy, I was thinking about a detour to the moon to see if it really is a great big lump of cheese. There will be plenty of room on board as at the moment there are only a few of us going, last call for outer space leaving any moment now, countdown starting 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 now that was an experience I had not had before what about you, but at least we are on our way. :) xxx

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to holly17

Not sure about the moon Fred...I'm on a low cholesterol diet and I can't have cheese. :-) xxx

Softwabbit profile image

Ahh Fred what memories you started me of on, going to Shieldhill near Inverberbie Scotland to collect the Gulls eggs for baking,Not allowed now I should think,but when on your shuttle thingy can you make a detour and not only will you be doing me a favour you would be seeing the most wonderfull scenery God created xxx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Softwabbit

No problem at all we can go anywhere your mind wants us to go, its just a case of close your eyes and your there, no health problems your just flying over that area, don't forget though we will be rather high but will have a word with Bill the pilot and see if he will swoop down a bit for you. lol :) xxx

peege profile image

Morning Fred, no, no swimming yet here. A bit busy helping my son get thing sorted for the house he's helping to renovate with his partner. They both work full time. It's not a holiday here, they always have the day off on 1st of May whenever it falls. There's also another bank holiday on Friday, VE Day. I'll be going home that day.

I'm staying with Williams lovely mum in law in Aubagne which is the home of the Foreign Legion. Last Friday was a big commemoration day for them at the HQ just down the road to remember the many Legionaires who fought to the end 150 or so years ago in Mexico. Aubagne is 15 minutes north east of Marseille.

Anyway, it's a bit overcast today. We're off to walk at Les Lac, a lovely beach near Bandol half an hour away before starting the chores.

Yesterday we walked down to the Sunday market. A wonderfully colourful affair of fresh fruit, veg, hundreds of cheeses, cured sausage & meats, the meat stall had pigeon, rabbit, guinea foul as well as the usual. Everything was beautifully displayed. I bought 750 grammer of local haricot beans for £7!!! I don't know how they can afford to eat.

Have a lovely day xxx P

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to peege

Peege move over I might join you after we get back from space, that market sounds just up my street as they say, all those cheeses and sausages, enough my mouth is watering already.

I visited Marseille many years ago infact rather to many to talk about really, it was when the ship I served on at the time did a tour of the Med. Dont you go mad with the help steady as you go love. Hope the weather stays fine for you all, Speak later love Fred :) xxx

pollyjj profile image

Morning Fred, I will have to give it a miss, I am scared of flying so you will all have to tell me about it when you get back. (are we daft or wot)

Got daughter No 2 coming to day with my lovely grandson I am hoping she is going to change the beds for me (exciting eh).

Will see if I can find a nice sheltered spot in the garden to sit and read if it is warm enough.

Have a lovely day everyone.

polly xx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to pollyjj

polly yes love we are daft but its great to dream and you never know one day we just all might get together and have a laugh at this. You take it easy and let your lovely daughter help you and it will be good to see you grandson, now go find that sheltered sun spot. Love Fred xxx :)

pollyjj profile image
pollyjj in reply to holly17

Getting together would be wonderful, something to look forward to.

polly xx

Morning Fred - I do so enjoy your posts & jokes - long may they continue . Hope you enjoy your flight of fancy today - don't forget to bring back the sticks of Rock !!!! I am off out this afternoon but nowhere as exotic . I live in Pembrokeshire almost on the coast & it's a lovely part to live in ? Later I am gong to see a friend who sadly lost her husband last June with COPD - he was chairman of our local BreatheEasy Group . She has recently taken in a cat from a Rescue Centre so I am going to give him my approval. Enjoy your day &,as they say in Wales- "Sit tidy "😘 Love Helen.xx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to

High Helen good to hear from you, enjoy you visit with your friend and hope the cat is up to your approval , as for a stick of rock , maybe not a stick but a lump no problem. Stay save and keep smiling. Love Fred xxx

Sheilab123 profile image

Morning Fred, loved the joke i'l remember that one. Always dreamt of flying on a magic carpet, so will be with you later. xx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to Sheilab123

Thats good news we will have to pop back for you as we are already up here, no problem stand by. ;) xx

hufferpuffer profile image

Good Morning Fred, hang the latch and wait for meee!! Lol! I would love to come please 😀🌎🌝🌜🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘 it would be lovely to blast off, up up and away!!!so good to get away from the chores for a little while and listen to more great jokes😀💜💜💜 hugs huff xxxxx

scorpiolass profile image

Hi Fred, poor blacksmith. a space odessy, sounds exciting, can we visit Dr Who, if so i am in. Do uou remember journey into space? I think it was radio luxenburg, cos we didn,t havd tv in our housd then. I l9ve ground control to major tom but we should have a different crew now. You all better? Love margaret x

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to scorpiolass

Honest you ladies never on time but on our way back for you all, might be a bit late getting to mars now Lyn hope the shops are not closed. xxx :)

Hi Fred! Have you got any spaces left cos I'd love to join you on your trip ✈️. Mars sounds a good place to go and, like Lyn, I'll have my purse with me - can't resist a bit of retail therapy. Just don't go without me 👛👛. Jan xx 😀😀

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to

Right Jan get your coat on, be with you as soon as I work out just were you are, well don't forget your purse. What are those two bits before your name ? :) :) xxx Fred

in reply to holly17

They're little purses - most important for me to take my purse lol 😀😀

Jan xx

butter-fly profile image

Morning Fred. Too scared of space travel so I'm going back in time. To a little wild bluebell garden on our farm where I picnicked with my siblings and our parents many moons ago. We children prepared days beforehand hauling stuff to the picnic site. We always lit a fire to roast potatoes and we cooked sausages, chops, eggs, toast, in fact anything we children could raid out of the larder. (Early BBQ!) Our parents only ever joined us once a year so it was very special day. That little garden is still there and still as wild, although today it is classed as a protected 'Fort.' It is still owned by the family but alas the sea separates me today. Hope you all enjoy your space mission and don't meet any unfriendly aliens! Loved the joke.

Have a great day Fred. Sara xx

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to butter-fly

Sara light a fire then we will know just where you are and will wave but you will not be able to see us but we will be that bright light in the sky above you watching that you are safe. Keep travelling back its lovely. xxx :) Fred

Oh Fred we want to go with you x

sassy59 profile image

Not a bad day here Fred but I have missed the boat again (or shuttle whichever you prefer) so will just stay home then. Have been to Sainsbury's (other stores are of course available and open) with daughter Louise and grandson Jack and that was good. We had coffee but were very good and didn't have any cake. Us girls have to look after our figures and Jack didn't fancy anything.

Hope you are having a good day and are keeping well. Loved the joke as always.

Lots of love and laughter, Carole xxxx :) :)

holly17 profile image
holly17 in reply to sassy59

Hi Carole we missed you on the Shuttle thought we saw you, Louise and Jack but were not sure, I am certain you could have managed a small cake. Pleased you had a good day :) ;) xxx

bikergrove profile image

Have a nice day Fred

holly17 profile image

Thanks will try very hard, go steady yourself :)

bulpit profile image

Morning Fred, All kitted up. And ready to go,corkscrew,nibbles,glasses all in the hamper, Will purchase champagne on the way to pick up the shuttle, See you soon,loved the blacksmith joke, Regards, Bulpit

holly17 profile image

Are you sure you have not been on one of these shuttles before as you seem to have every thing ready. Stay safe bulpit x :)

Good golly, too late as usual! Save me a next run xx :)

holly17 profile image

There was a seat with your name on it our little kiwichick, but will have to give you plenty of warning next time, hope all is going well for you all. Stay safe :) :) xxx

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