Anyone know if it`s ok to shower while using oxygen. I`m getting so breathless in the shower that I get really frightened. I thought maybe if i put the 7 ft cannula on it should give me room. I don`t have the shower overhead as I have a perforated ear drum and always wash my hair over the washbasin. Wish they had "carwashes" for people. Imagine just moving through (below chin level of course) and best of all being gently blown dry- that`s really hard work drying myself. Keep well all, Sheila x
Showering with oxygen: Anyone know if... - Lung Conditions C...
Showering with oxygen

Hi Sheila, hers a few tips on oxygen ,,it says in one of the paragraphs yes its safe to use in the shower,, i dont use it yet so i hope the link helps a bit, take it easy and have a nice weekend,,
There is no problem using oxygen whilst in the shower.
I only take mine off to wash my hair.
I use a shower stool, the method I use is,
Torso rest.
Arm one rest.
Arm two rest,
Thigh one rest
Thigh two rest.
Lower leg one rest
Lower leg two rest.
Long rest then hair and face rest again dry face and refit oxygen.
I also use blow and go breathing method.
Stop to breat in, go to exhale.
Hi Sheila
I had a big telling off from my nurse about using oxygen when having a shower because i wasnt............she said its times like that when we need to use it most so the answer is yes....always use your oxygen in the shower x
Hi instead of drying yourself why don't you buy a big thick towelling robe and put that on straight after your shower? I know some folk do that. x
Yeah cough is spot on there.......i always use a toweling bath robe and put it on before i get out of the shower its so much easier x
I often keep my O2 on when showering if I feel I need it. Drying is very difficult, I wrap myself in a great Big towel, and sit and relax until I feel dry.
Kathy x
I don't have a shower and find it's getting increasingly awkward to heave myself in and out of the bath. But I will get myself some nice fluffy towelling robes to dry myself - top tip that.
I suppose my next big mountain to climb will be trying to convince hubby to have a shower fitted, good heavens I might go and climb Mt. Everest instead - less of an uphill struggle.
Keep well.
After just watching the news on television, I have realised that my remark about Mt. Everest was ill timed and I sincerely regret it. I hope the people of Nepal and the climbers on Everest who survived the recent earthquakes remain safe and my thoughts go to those who have lost loved ones.
Hi bayleyray, I`m sure no-one thought anything of it. We don`t always have to guard our every word. Like you I feel deeply for those who have lost loved ones and those who are struggling having lost their homes. We like a good grumble about our own country sometimes but Oh how lucky we are not to have these extremes. Take care, Sheila x
best to put 7foot can on .I to have both eardrums perforated thats what influenced me to reply .but I've just come to realise I've always washed my hair in the shower but I don't have much left I'm a bloke,you being a female,I assume you have a lot of hair and understand that could be difficult for you .I was going to give up on the reply but did not because at least it should make you smile a bit . all the best weelspeed.
Thanks so much to ItsBAme, stone, mandy1365, coughalot, Kathygwanny, bayleyray and weelspeed for all the replies to my question about showering with my oxygen on. I knew I could count on you gang for advice. Yes I think I will treat myself to a big fluffy bathrobe and weelspeed lack of hair won`t stop the water getting into your ears- sillyhead ! Love to all, keep well, Sheila x
I never shower with/out my oxygen!
Have you tried the ear plugs or I know its odd but blue tack in your years for showering. And yes oxygen in the shower is fine. My mum did it all the time.x
Hi Natalie41. thanks for replying. Yes I`ve actually showered now with my oxygen on , fought with the cannula pipe a bit but getting better at it now. The blue tack idea is certainly novel. I can`t use earplugs because even after all these years my ear is still painful. The specialist said it always will be. When it was first diagnosed it wasn`t painful until a ham-fisted locum consultant drained it- a day I`ll never forget ! Sheila x
I keep my oxygen on both in the shower or bath with no problems
Do not use portable oxygen concentrators in the bathroom/shower room. The high relative humidity will damage the gas seperator medium ( molecular seive). It may be possible to use the POC outside of the shower / bathroom by using an extended delivery tube. Ask the manufacturer or agent of the POC for definate advice.