I have just received a letter from the PPS about this years increase from 06 April! - £2.85? Whoopee! I think I'll go buy a yacht! And they wonder why they don't get our vote?
Pension: I have just received a letter... - Lung Conditions C...

Don't be so ungrateful - this is around 3 loaves of bread! x

That'll make a lot of "soldiers" but trouble is, it won't buy the eggs to go with them! XX
It will if you only buy 1 loaf! You can buy eggs with the amount left - and maybe salt to go with them too! x

Good thinking CAL, but I'll forego the salt, can't stand the stuff! X
Ha ha I always put black pepper on eggs - love it. x

"Mmmm.Yummy yums cough......I hate Marmite..BUT!! I love it thinly spread with butter... on my toast soldiers..Mmmmm... then dipped into my runny egg....Megan"

Ditto and salt too ! ( On the eggs ! )
"Dreadful..... with what they think we are worth..How much was it...£2:85p.....But!! trying to keep positive about it Nikkers..at least they are adding...A lot folk are having there payments etc taken of them...Gosh!! this Government BUT!!..wont even say government!...its the Country as a whole......Oh! well back to dipping my little collection Marmite soldiers in to my runny egg...Hehehehe....Megan"
" Hehehe! Got me matches ready Nikkers......Ssshhhhhhhhhh.... Fireworks all safe in a box........Ready when you are..Sshhhhhhh... "
Won't even buy you a model yacht! Loving coughs ideas though. Not funny is it? especially when we hear what Politicians get. Take care xxxx
Doubt you will have enough left for egg or bread, after all our bills have risen, in line with inflation. I think you will find you cant afford them and something will have to go....this government hopefully!
And that is for the year!
when you think about it, to qualify for a state pension, one has to so many years of national contributions, we could say its our pre payed pension plan which has been payed for by our selfs, then regardless of which ruling party in the country , we get taxed again on it, theifing b..kets these politcians.