After a lovely day out with my brother we arrived home to find that I had been sent an appointment with the adult congenital heart disease clinic at the Bristol Royal Infirmary which I had been hoping for but hadn't expected, as last time I saw the cardiologist at Southmead he didn't say anything, although I knew he had been trying to discuss me with them. He also thought he would have to go back to my GP because of the cross border difficulty but he has obviously got that sorted out too. I hope I get some answers. The consultant I am booked with is the expert in aortic valve problems and insertion of stents in the aorta itself, so I feel I am really making progress. The cardioversion has been rearranged for 30th May provided my INR is ok; it was above 2 this morning so we make progress.
Surprise appointment : After a lovely... - Lung Conditions C...
Surprise appointment

Pleased to hear that some progress is being made hope it continues for you and hope you enjoy the visit from your brother take care xx
Excellent news Carnival567
What a really good thing to come home to!
After a lovely day out with your Brother, its like the icing on the cake isn't it?
And well done with the INR as well, all looking good
Love n hugs
Wendy xx
What great news! How wonderful that things are looking up for you at last.
I hope that you enjoyed your time with your brother and I wish you all the luck in the world with your appointment.
Take care.
So pleased for you. I get horribly hyped up when I see that distinctive envelope from a hospital. In the few seconds it takes to tear open the envelope my brain just takes off and spins crazy tales. I have had so many that have failed to come up with the goods. Dismissive clinic letters, failing to pick up on salient points, discharging me, or chasing wild geese up blind alleys. So to get a good one is a massive boost.
Hope it goes well. And the cardio version.
Love and hugs
Kate xxx
Well things are moving in a more positive direction Carnival and l do wish you well with everything.
Take care and enjoy your weekend. Xxx
Great news.
Thank you everyone, it's lovely to have so much support. The appointment is 22nd June so I haven't even got to wait too long. My brother and husband are going to the Forest of Dean Railway steam fair today but the puppy and I are giving it a miss!
Glad to hear things are looking up for you. I don't have Heart Disease but I do have really bad arthritis. I guess I should be thankful but some days the pain is so bad that I wonder. We have a little Pomeranian that keeps me on my toes so thank heaven for her. She keeps me active which kills my pain levels dramatically. Before the little puppy came along I would suffer so badly that I felt as though I wanted to kill myself. Now most days are tolerable and some are just great!!!!
Good Luck Carnival.
So pleased for your good news. Lilian xxx