many of you will remember i had a sputum sample taken 3 weeks ago to day.
during that time got all excuses from receptionist, then told to phone the nurse between 1,30 - 2 pm tuesday or thursday, got so many excuses from the nurse, the post would be too long.
g,p phoned me today.. sample lost !!
if you check back my posts a a year ago, sputum sample taken - lost !!
i will sum it it up like this,,,,,
"A general Practitioner is a doctor who keeps knowing less and less about more and more areas until he/she knows nothing about everything,"
"A specialist on the other hand , knows more and more about less and less until he/she knows everything about nothing" ? ?
please excuse me the last few days, im keeping ok, but have a lot on my mind at the moment, and busy with important paper work etc [something i'm not good at
However, hopefully normal service will be resumed very soon
love to all jimmy xxx
[kisses to the woman and a hiya to the men