Asbestos,,, ticking time bomb - Lung Conditions C...
Asbestos,,, ticking time bomb

Hi itsBAme
Great post BUT is to kind : The Report on ASBESTOS in school the govermeant are holding back READs like this
Also in times of Austerity how many councils would of paid £1.2 million to have asbestos moved before the demolition of old school building .. I know two schools Manchester Council did not pay that before the demolition.
Pays to know dodgy Demolition Contractors to tight to even use water
It's truly shocking as this govermeant are after dropping ASBESTOS INSPECTIONS AIR QUALITY what the deem to be low risk places of work and schools kiddies nurseries.
That's the reason asbestos in schools report as been withheld truly shocking .... and yes can't blame labour or libdems for that SO much for Tories careing about you and you kids LUNG HEALTH it's just a good job some of us and pairants care a ItsBAme
Great post
I went to Cockburn High School, and they had a 'state of the art' heating and ventilation system vented through the walls, fast forward 10 years and it was discovered it was circulating asbestos as well! I have had asbestos calcification diagnosed on my diaphragm, which does not help with my COPD, I would be interested if there was a class action? hiya Kad21 its a bit long this link but if you have the time read thro it ,,
I cut the evil stuff for over 10 years without masks or ventilation! I was told it was not the blue asbestos but I found in 2012 it was the Brown asbestos the second most deadly!
When I was in ICU in 2008 they kept asking had I worked with asbestos and I told them no as it was not asbestos?
Now I seemed to be ignored? They only say it does not seem to be eating me yet?
While it is in situe and stable it is pretty safe but it only takes a little to be problem and many years to show!
Be Well
When I was at secondary school a couple of years ago lol a local building caught fire its roof was made of asbestos we were told to stay in doors the next day I remember council workers dressed in white suits and masks picking up particles up then went for miles. A girl I went to school with has died from this asbestos it is so sad knowledge is power and I know one of our members on hear Daz would often post about this subject and would get quite angry at the fact no one would take responsibility.