Over the weekend I was at a lose end so thought I would watch a film and went to the local video shop, I said to the chap "Can i borrow Batman for Ever" he replied "No sir you got to bring it back tomorrow"
Keep smiling you lovely people xxx Fred
Over the weekend I was at a lose end so thought I would watch a film and went to the local video shop, I said to the chap "Can i borrow Batman for Ever" he replied "No sir you got to bring it back tomorrow"
Keep smiling you lovely people xxx Fred
I liked that one
A nice way to start Monday xx
Good evening smiley Fred, you funny man! Love LeeLee. ๐
Cheers LeeLee sleep tight down there. Fred
Just checking Fred where do you live in Devon x
Morning Fred,
Thanks for the Monday morning
smile (4:30 ). What time is it there?
A big hug to you Fred
Rubyxx ๐
Whats a video Fred? is it a kind of DVD. ha ha. Its warmer today here in Malvern so I'm getting out later for some fresh air. Whoopee!!
Ok smarty so I am out of date its an age thing, enjoy the fresh air Fred
good one Fred. Had to smile at the video reference, our language is different isn't it. My son said it's not settee M um it's sofa, the grandchildren don't know what you mean. Oh dear. I reckon we're doing pretty well at keeping up, the rate of change in our lifetime is enormous.
keep smiling, Iris x
by the way, it's a beautiful, if cold, day here in Hertfordshire.
I love Teignmouth wish I was there although the sun is shining here in Solihull, it is very windy.
polly xx
Bahahahahhahahha...that's a good one Fred...lol xxx
Thank you smiler Lyn xxx
"Good Morning to you Fred!! and Good Morning to everyone else too...well no sun only wind here in Bournville...Oh!... hold on..Fred's Smile as just come bursting through (squinting from the glow)....hehehehe... have a super day Fred,....Megan.."
Ha ha! Afternoon Fred.
Cold and sunny here in London. Have a good day.
Sara xx
Morning Fred ( I mean afternoon now) It's a lovely sunny day In torquay as well. There are quite a few of us in the West Country aren't there? Liked the joke! x
Hi there near neighbour is the sun helping if not there is always another day, just keep smiling that's all you got to do xx Fred
Hi Holly17, afraid I'm not smiling right now. After repeated treatments and a nerve removal I still have toothache left. So the smile people are not helping my smile if you understand what I mean. Then the internet refused access to emails on my server, now I am having to use a different log in to get them , what an aweful start to the year 2015 nothing but breakdown of services. Thank god I can adapt to change of circumstances and health and still smile have a cheerful day Fred regards Kate x
What a game of chase ass as we said in the navy, every thing is up in the air, no wonder you are having to work over time to muster a smile Kate, I also have a daughter called Kate who suffers bad health, but like you adapts to changes and gives a smile when ever possible.
Go get um Kate xx Fred
ah it's good to have a smile !!!! x