Well we have had the discussion about Manuka Honey and its benifits, so I thought I would start one on Mullien tea.
After reading brilliant reviews on this herb regarding the benefits for lung problems I decided to purchase some, from Amazon a 1 kilo bag which is huge cost about £11, with a best before date of two years, I think I have got enough to last that long.
I put two teaspoons in three quarters of a cup of boiling water and leave for twenty minutes, then I put a piece of kitchen roll in a sieve and strain into a jug, squeeze the kitchen roll to get out all the goodness, then dispense into a clean cup.
I have only been using for two days, so can't say for sure if it works but did wake this morning and had no cough, they say three cups a day and about six weeks to get the full benefits, I will of course report back from time to time.
Has anyone else been using this if so please post your findings