Hi I am new to your group I hope you wouldn't mind me joining I am know as catinthehat12 I have Copd but over the last two years I have had none evase lung op where there inserted five valves which collapsed my bad parts so the good could expand the fist seem no change in my health so they did a second one the filling spring it just stared to get the benefits from it now any that's my health out of way I have four grandsons one daughter two sons three sisters three brothers one who we lost about 18mounths ago to Copd thank for taking the time to reading this I look forward to your feedback on I also have 1catshes16years old and1little dog he15 mouths old still at bouncey stage still learning to leave the alone thank you
Copd lung deseaseh: Hi I am new to your... - Lung Conditions C...
Copd lung deseaseh

Hi, Catinthehat, and welcome to the site. I have moderate COPD and a 10 year old rescue cat called Tinker who now rules the household and wraps my husband round his little paws. I've found this site really helpful about how to look after my condition and make the best of my life today. So stick around, and I'm sure you will do too. Have a great day. M
Hi & welcome! I'm sure you will enjoy coming here. You soon will see we've lots of members with various interests. we don't just discuss our conditions but have a chat about virtually anything we fancy. Hope you enjoy being a member. Keep well 😀
Welcome to the site, I have been absent for a few weeks (got a note from my mam 😁) seriously tho this site had helped me a lot and everyone is very friendly.
Jan x
Welcome, I am carer for hubby Pete who has sarcoidosis, copd, and various other health issues including a chronic back problem. We have two sons, one daughter, a grandson and granddaughter who all live very nearby. It is good to be surrounded by a loving family. We also have an old cat of 17 who is very dear to us.
You have certainly had some health issues yourself and good to read that things are picking up for you now. This is a great site and you will get lots of support and advice if you need it.
Hear from you again soon. Take care xx
Welcome. This little pic is my dog - although will have to change it soon cos she's getting on now and doesn't look quite as lively as this really! I have severe COPD - I find this site is very helpful - the people are really loving. Hope you enjoy it x piggi
hi welcome to the site I have only been on here few months have found it to be a lovely group of people here , if you have any questions just ask always some one who can help here ,
Hi Cat, welcome to the forum. You will probably find that some people will be very interested to hear about your valves procedure and any information on your future improvements.
This is a great forum, full of friendly, caring people so, make yourself at home. xx
So you are feeling the benefits of the valves, do you mean you had the other lung done .
Hi , do you mean that you have had both lungs done ,
Hello and welcome. Did you have the PulmonX valve procedure done?