Has anybody heard: From wendells and... - Lung Conditions C...

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Has anybody heard

mustcarryon profile image
18 Replies

From wendells and hugs. I'm hoping they are both well.

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mustcarryon profile image
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18 Replies

Hi mco, not heard off wendells, but I email Huggs most days she's not to good or hasn't been for the last few days, I'll get in touch with her and let u know how's she's doing. Xx Sonia xx

mustcarryon profile image
mustcarryon in reply to

Thanks for that Sonia. xx

pollyjj profile image

I was wondering the same, I pm Wendells about a week ago, hope she is alright.

Sonia, could you give my best wishes to Huggs I am sorry she is not too good, and hope she will be on the mend very soon.

Thinking of them both.

polly xx

huggs profile image


Sorry for alarming you or anyone else, as I didn't mean to. I have just had a rough few days that's all, and my hospital appointment on the mainland the other day was pretty grim, as I was away for 9 hours, and wasn't well while there, and have just been trying to recover since then, as I have been in a bit of pain, and exhausted, but I am fine really, and nothing that some rest won't cure. I also hurt my hand and finger yesterday so finding it difficult to type without errors, so having some help with this. Thanks for your concern, but please don't worry. I hope you are doing okay?

Now I will tell you all about Wen. I had offered to tell you all what has happened but I don't think she wanted a post right away, but seeing as you have asked she will not mind me telling you about her latest setback.

Wen hadn't been feeling right for a few weeks, but had been putting it down to the weather, as it was very humid, and that's why she thought she was breathless and not feeling well.

She just got worse, and was back in hospital again with a severe chest infection, which had started to spread throughout her body and affect her other organs. Thankfully, she responded very quickly to IV antibiotics, and other treatment, but it was a bit of a close call at the time. Wen is home now, but not well enough yet to get in touch very often. I have told her not to reply to me or anyone until she is much stronger, as this has really taken the feet from under her, and is completely exhausted, but sounding perky in her brief couple of messages. Her husband is in hospital suffering from complications from shingles. Wen has nurses and carers popping in and out throughout the day, as well as her family. Poor Wen, she was just recovering from her stroke and now this, and just needs plenty of rest. Her daughter has my details in case Wen wants to get in touch but isn't well enough to do so, but I hope she just rests for now.

Hope that clears things up a bit, and sorry for alarming you regarding me.

This post has been dictated by me and my neighbour has kindly typed it for me, due to my hand being out of action for the moment, and I kept making typo errors,

Wen, if you are managing to read this, just keep on doing what you have been and keep fighting. You didn't deserve this, but you will recover from this too, just take it slowly.

Thanks again, MCO, you are lovely, and thanks to Sonia for explaining and caring too, as you all have so much on your plates.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs. xxxx :) ps If anyone has any messages for Wen, I will take screen shots and send them to her, or make a note of them, once I master one finger typing.!!

in reply to huggs

Hi Huggs I was just about to come in and say that you had a busy few days etc. and wouldn't be up to it when I saw your post. How did you hurt your hand love? Chasing after them fellas again? :d Did you know you can make your lappy voice activated? Not sure exactly how but if you go into setting it comes up or maybe control panel and type it in. I am sure someone will be in soon who will tell you. I hope you are feeling better soon after your busy couple of days.

Poor Wen it never rains but it pours doesn't it? Please wish her all the best from me and pass on my love. Thanks for letting us know. xx

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to huggs

Ouch Huggs, Sorry you had a bad few days. All that lovely snow and you couldn't get out. Sincerely hope you are on the mend now. How did you hurt your finger? Sounds nasty if you have difficulty using it.

So very sorry Wendells is not very well again. Please let her know I'm thinking of her and her husband and wishing them both a speedy recovery. Shingles is such a nasty condition too and can cause such complications in older people .

Wendells is so very much missed on here and the kindest of thoughts go her way.

You take good care Huggs. We need you!

Sara xxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to butter-fly

Hi Sara,

Please excyse typing and grammar as am missing out words to help things along. I am fine, so please do not wirry about me. It was a stupid way to hurt myself as I was only feeding the birds! I drew arm back, ready to throw then flung it forward, full force into the railings instead of open space!! LOL :( Told you it was daft!! Swelling is gong down a bit, on hand, slightly on finger, but is still a bbit numb, but it will be fine soon. Its only a bashed hand and is a nuisance, that's all. Have recovered from hospital visit now, so that's good.

Will pass on your lively message to Wen, its such a shame as she was making good progress after stroke, it is just going to take time. She is sleeping much of the time.

I cannot do short posts, even with a gammy hand!! LOL

You take care too and thanks for caring,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to huggs

Hi Huggs. Sorry to hear you hear you have not been well and have been in the wars with your hand. I wonder if you could pass my best wishes on to Wendells and say I hope she is feeling better now. Many thanks. X

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Mavary

Hi mavery,

Thanks a lot, but I am fine now, aprat from typing probs!! LOL I have sent an email to wen, earlier, but will certainly add your good wishes, which she will be grateful for, so thanks again, its very kind of you.

Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

mustcarryon profile image
mustcarryon in reply to huggs

Oh Huggs. I've only just got your reply. Nine hours is a long time from home when you're not feeling good and in pain. To top it all you've hurt your hand and finger. You don't do things by half do you Huggs? I truly wish you a speedy recovery.

You've done it again, making sure we are kept up-to-date. Your thought for people knows no bounds.

I am so very sorry to hear about wens, it is awful for her to be so poorly. I hope she also gets better soon. I miss her jokes.

My prayers are for you both. xxxxxx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to mustcarryon


Sorry for late replu, and thank you so much for caring. I appreciate your good wishes for both wen and myself, and have passed them on to Wen. She is making slow progress now, but hasn't been on the forum yet, but hopes to do so soon.

I was laughing at you saying I don't do things by hakves as I have always been a bit accident prone! One time, about 4 or 5 years ago, I had a broken wrist, stitches in my mouth, head and leg which were all fro, different incidents inside a week!!! Soooo embarrassing at the time. lol

I hope you are doing okay just now, and soldiering on as usual.

My finger and hand wikk be fine soon, its just awkward as two fingers are stapped together to immobilise one of them, and my hand is bandaged up, so its awkward to type. I think typing is improving now though!! Not complaining, just explaining typo's.

Thanks also for your prayers.

I will update on Wen when she wants me to, so that you all kjow what is going on.

Do You remember Loiusiania? She has been absent for ages, and I have pm'd her but heard nothing at all back which is not like her. she was always active and although she did have techie problems on and off, she usually got them resoved quickly.

Maybe someone else has heard something, but I am not sure if she kept in direct touch with anyone, although she did with me now and again, but not every week or anything like that.

Take care, and thanks again,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

huggs profile image

Hi Cough,

Thanks for that, am beginning to type a bit better now, so will see how it goes, but will leep your suggestion in mind. Feeding the birds is how it happened!! LOL Explain another time.

hugs frim Huggs xxx :)

pollyjj profile image

Hello Huggs, sorry to hear about your finger but glad you are on the mend, thanks for the update on Wendells, poor thing she has been having an awful time of late, I do hope she is feeling much better very soon, so glad she is at home, nothing like your own bed, and it sounds like she has plenty of support.

What a shame about Harry I expect he is very confused being in hospital, that also must be such a worry for her.

Anyway I am sending all my love best wishes for you all with lots of hugs for everyone.

polly xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to pollyjj

Hi Polly,

Thank you for kind message. Sorry for abbrev's as trying not to type too much, I will be fine, had a few rough days, and then bashed my hand and finger, which is nothing and will get better soon. Just awkward to type. Not complaining, as you and loads of others have far more to worry about than a bashed hand.

Poor Wen, she has had such a time of it, as you say, but she wall git through it, just needs time. She said she had pm from you, and would reply when able. She is hardly sending any messages, so I know she is feeling it, but is fighting hard. I think Harry is sedated mich of the time just now, for his own good. I will pass on all messages. Thank you so much indeed,

hugs from Huggs :) take care xxx

I am so so sorry you both are having such a bad time - BIG hugs to both of you xxxxxx

huggs profile image

Hi eyes,

I am fine, thank you, as I have recovered after a rough few dats, and only have a bashed finger abd hand, which I am sure will be okay. Just difficult typing that's all. Wen is having a really tough time, and will appreciate your message, so thank you. Thanks for hugs too :) sorry for typo's, too impatient to be a 1 handed typist LOL .

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

Hi Huggs, sorry to hear you have been in the wars. Thinking of Wen and wishing you both well. Love Kin Xx

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Kin,

Thanks so much, and my hand and finger will be fine soon, I am sure. I will pass on your good wishes to Wen, who will be very grateful indeed. Take care,

hugs from Huggs xxx :)

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