Scary: I had an asthma attack in the... - Lung Conditions C...

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41 Replies

I had an asthma attack in the bath this morning. This has never happened before but I guess it was caused by the steam. This copd lark isn't half starting to intrude on my life too much and I have decided I don't want it! :( x

41 Replies
rubyred777 profile image

Happy Birthday young lady!

Hope it didn't interfere with your great day you had planned. Sorry couldnt make you an e card. Don't know how to post pictures yet.


in reply to rubyred777

:) Ruby. Well learn for next year then x

Jolyn profile image

Oh cripes cough...that must have been scary...are you feeling ok now?

in reply to Jolyn

To be honest Jolyn I am still shaken up by it same as I am by any asthma attack but even more so coz I wasn't expecting it there. It just happened so quickly - one moment I was lying there enjoying my long soak then the next gasping for air. I had to leap out like I was and grab my blue inhaler. The worst bit is not getting any air in at all (or inhaler) for around 15 seconds. I always think what if my airways don't open a bit? I try and stay calm but my heart was thumping 19 to the dozen. It's like a clamp with a vice like grip. x

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to

That sounds frightening...well I hope you're feeling better and a lot calmer this morning. Take it easy today. Lyn xxx

in reply to Jolyn

Yes I am thanks my love. It's just another thing to be aware of I guess which is a pain isn't it? Am planning a doss day today :)

Hope you are well and having a good day Jolyn. xx

Not a good start to your birthday C. Hope the rest of the day was better.

Happy Birthday !

in reply to

Yep it was thanks. Had lovely meal out but ate too much and got galloping indigestion :) x

celtic2746 profile image

hello my friend hope your ok now is there no way of venting the bathroom to stop a build up of steam in the future ! please take my friend and hope you keep well ! david.x

celtic2746 profile image


in reply to celtic2746

Thank you David I did apart from that. I don't have a window in the bathroom just an air con thing so the steam does build up a bit. When I went back in I did open the door which made it cold but I figured that was better than the steam. I do love my long soaks but maybe not in the future. This lung disease is no fun is it. :O x

hufferpuffer profile image

Big huggggs from huff xxxxxxx

in reply to hufferpuffer

Aw bless ya huff. Thank you so much. Hope you are well as possible at the moment. I shouldn't moan really as there are many much worse than me on here. It was more an asthma thing than copd I think. It's just that I am noticing my lungs becoming more and more of a problem in the past year or so and it is quite scary. I have generally tended not to pay much attention to them as I am only mild/mod but

it is getting harder to ignore them. It's not a cheery prospect is it? :O x

celtic2746 profile image

cool just be careful especially with your asthma ! my wifes got asthma years ago it was really bad as times went on she needed her inhaler less ! just going to bed uo at 5:3 am so good night and god bless david x

in reply to celtic2746

Night night David. Hope you have sweet dreams. Lots of hugs for you xxx

Sorry it's late coughalot but Happy Birthday for yesterday ❤️

Steam is normally good for opening airways, or is that only when bunged up , but I was told when I gasp for air in the bath it's the pressure of the water on the rib cage. anyway hope u feel better now and enjoyed the rest of ur day unscathed. :) xx Sonia xx

in reply to

Thanks Sonia. Yeah it probably is with lung disease generally but asthma is a bit different I think. It's not so much gasping for air due to sob but my airways suddenly clamping shut completely so no air goes in at all. Scary! xx

Hope you are OK now coughalot, must have been scary at the time. Like you my condition has worsened in the last 12 months. Trying to stay positive is not always easy. Glad you enjoyed your birthday xx Joyce

in reply to

Thanks Joyce. I hope I haven't worsened but will find out soon on my annual copd check. I hope you are well xx

Happy Birthday for yesterday coughalot!! Hope you had a great time - minus the asthma attack! What about keeping the spacer handy with the blue inhaler - it seems to help my husband much more than just using the inhaler. It delivers the medicine more effecitively and seems to help him slow his breathing down. Lets hope its a one off. Wishing you a great week, lots of love TAD xxx

in reply to

Thanks TAD. I don't really get on with spacers but might have to reconsider as that's a good idea. x

in reply to

I bought one of these from ebay which is much easier to transport and keep handy ..

Hope that helps xxx

in reply to

Thanks TAD. They look good but will see if the doctor has one similiar to give me as I am very poor at the moment! x

in reply to

Good idea xx

warwickstag profile image
warwickstag in reply to

This type of spacer is available on prescription from your doctors, there is no need to buy one, particularly if you get your meds for free.

in reply to warwickstag

Oh great. I do get my meds free being over 60. Will ask for one thanks. x

Bliss2 profile image

Happy birthday for yesterday coughalot xx

in reply to Bliss2

Thank you Bliss. All over now for another year thank goodness :) x

Horrible...especially while wallowing in a bath...hope you're feeling better today xxx

in reply to

Yeah it turned into not so much a wallow as no swallow :O thanks vashti. x

Offcut profile image

Belated Happy Birthday.

I have not bathed for more than 30 years and only shower. From what I understand the lungs work on a negative pressure with the diaphragm pulling the lungs to inhale the air. If you are in a position that will not give the diaphragm full function and not forgetting the muscles relaxing in the heat. These 2 factors and the steam which will loosen the mucus but may bring to much up to the airway at the same time reducing the airways, Asthma Attack!

Try periodic huffing while in the bath?

Interesting advice here:

Be Well

in reply to Offcut

Thanks Offcut will have a look at the link. I was lying down in the bath but it didn't just reduce the breathing it stopped it completely with no air at all going in. If it was more gradual I would have time to do the breathing exercises, but had no warning at all. x

sassy59 profile image

Hope you managed to have a good day cough in spite of your scary episode in the bath. Take care and hope you are feeling better now. xxx

in reply to sassy59

Thanks sassy. Think I had better make sure I take my inhaler into the bathroom with me in the future! x

coughleigh profile image

Hi coughalot1 I know how you felt.I have asthma as well .offcut is completly right.The same happened to me in the bath,it is very scary.Since then I also only shower and think wistfully of having a lovely soak in the bath.I leave my blue inhaler by our bed also one in the bathroom plus spacers.I also leave them downstairs as well.Sometimes I can only use them with spacers sometimes not it depends on the severity of the attack.Hubs had to call an ambulance once as it was so bad I ended up in hospital for 4 days with it.But we had just lost our darling son to cancer and our lovely daughter who is a brittle type 1diabetic was in hospital having her little toe and up the side of her foot amputated.So that was stress.Hope you had a happy birthday.Like rubyred777I dont know how to put a pic up.It is quite easy on a lot of sights but not this one.Everyone enjoy the rest of the day and also have a good week mags xx

in reply to coughleigh

Thanks Mags. I don't have a shower only a bath so have no choice I'm afraid.

I feel guilty moaning when you and your family have been through so much. I am so sorry about your son - no parent should ever have to lose a child. Hugs. x

Dragonmum profile image

Me and Offcut both! Only use the shower, it's just personal preference in my case - saves water, power and time but I know most people love a good long soak. Bathroom gets steamy but asthma never played up - the old asthma treatment was Friars Balsam steam inhalations BTW. Ah, those good old days. That must have been so frightening - everything closed up and you just know it's not going to open again, but it did and I hope you're feeling better. Best wishes belatedly for yesterday so soz I missed it.

in reply to Dragonmum

Thank DM that is very kind of you. x

coughleigh profile image

No one moans on here coughalot1as we all support each other and each of us has our own trials.My nurse gave me all the spacers so if you ask hopefully you will get them to.Hope you have settled down now as I know how scary that is when you dont expect it.Sweet dreams all. mags x

in reply to coughleigh

Thanks coughleigh. Love your name! Should we cough in stereo? :) x

coughleigh profile image

Shall we call ourseves the cough coffers coff in lol Be well mags x

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