Sorry took long rubyred777 wel im 39 from london no just found out got docs gsve me no inhalers and think got wait for nhs to send me apment out is it dont know how it works
Sorry took long: Sorry took long... - Lung Conditions C...
Sorry took long

Hi Adam,
I'm wondering why they think you have emphysema if they did no tests. How did they come to that conclusion? Your young so you have that on your side. How are you feeling?
Any questions, just ask. We're all here to help you or if you just want to chat we're here too.
I had a cold for 3wks then the chest infection all told six wks went hospital had blood test x.ray came back as got emphysema still crappy now no green stuff on chest tho its gone as on clarithromycin500mg got go docs to day at 520pm about not sleeping thing
Sounds like you need more medicine. Are you wheezing and coughing? Xx
Wizzing a little more just cant sleep as keep thinking about it then cant get sleep about five hours in wk of sleep driveing me mad and partner she can sleep soon as head hits bed sleeps for hours me up all night so horrble not to beaball to sleep
Been to the docs he gave me zolpidem tartate 10mg for sleep any one had them what are thay like never had them bit jumpy with pills never had be for
Just do not over do sleeping pills try it for 2 days and leave it for 3 once you get a couple of good nights you might get back to a sleep rhythm.
Yes offcut thats what im going to do just cors did not sleep for two days my mind was going in to mush worring me and that im going to train my brain mind to sleep il have one if really need it but not every day thats mad ness as yer need them every night then to kip dont want that