My Personal Belief...: I've dithered... - Lung Conditions C...

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My Personal Belief...

30 Replies

I've dithered over writing this...trying to make it to the point without waffling on...then there's the aspect of running the real risk of upsetting those of you who are religious in the conventional sense.

So...where to begin.

Maybe I have never been a Christian...I went to church and to Sunday School and learned the Hail Mary...but I had a niggling doubt at the back of my mind from a very early age that this belief was not mine.

Perhaps the truth dawned began though with a Gipsy man who used to come each year to help Father on the farm. He'd put his bow-top caravan down the lane with his wife and many children...a couple of horses and some lurcher dogs. It was Reuben ,with his penchant for eating a raw onion and a raw egg for his lunch, who made me a rabbit hutch and gave me two baby rabbits...who spent hours answering my endless questions about birds and wild flowers...and it was he who told me of the old ways. The ancient cures and the gods of water and those of the harvest...we sat side by side under the hedges while he smoked his pipe and he'd tell stories of Straw men and the old gods who lived among the stars...he told me rocks remember the past and those smooth stones you find on beaches have their own tales to tell...he'd lay his tanned hand on a stone wall and tell me to feel the vibrations under my fingers...

It was Reuben who told me firmly there was no such being as the Devil...who stroked his Lurcher dogs ears and said he had a soul and had lived many times before...and would again and I might meet him when I was grown and know him for who he was...Chip would rest his head on my lap and sigh gently.

I don't have the gift of second sight...I don't dance naked in woodland groves or boil babies or cut the necks of roosters and sprinkle their blood...I don't consort with known witches or desecrate graves...nor am I one of the neo-pagans who take little bits from various sources and mix them altogether to make a soup which suits themselves...there is no harm in that, but it is not for me.

Nor do I read endless self help books or spend time navel gazing and if I still happen to look like a throw back from the Sixties it's more a case of being comfortable than making a statement...

For all my complaints about the winter, I still follow the seasons...I can sense an innate good or evil in my surroundings...I can feel the quiet vibrations in the stones that were old when our world was young...I catch the briefest of glimpses from the corner of my eye of a bright scarlet petticoat or a small brown foot adorned with silver rings...

There are many who would laugh at my form of paganism...I've never felt the need to walk in solemn procession around a burial mound on the day of the Solstice...never wanted to join a coven and chant while sitting by a fire...don't want to make honey cakes and bring them to a meet in a plastic box while wishing the other earnest souls would turn their mobile 'phones off...

I hope this answers some of your might throw up more questions...but that is alright.

What I'll never do is argue about your own beliefs...if you are a committed Christian and know the Bible then that is something I'll respect...

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30 Replies
Tazzy2 profile image

I am what you would call religious in a conventional sense being a Catholic but want to assure you that I do not find this in the least offensive, rather I find it fascinating and am respectful of it.

It is always great hearing others views if they wish to share them.

Thank you very much for posting this

Witchygirl profile image

Sounds right up my street, harm none do as you will. Good for you honey x

Nanaeal profile image

Hi Thank you for explaining. The old ways. It sounds simple and repectful to me. Nothing to take offence about.

I am a commuted Christian and do know a little from the Bible. (I like the expression practising Catholic because I truly need the practise) bit I don't see anything to offend me in what you wrote and I think tolerence and exceptence of others is a mark of being a Christian

Best wishes Nan

snappy1 profile image

You are lucky to have something to believe in I have never had the courage or conviction to put my faith in any thing but myself

vashti - thank you so much for sharing xxxx

Beautiful post Vashti, thank you. Changing seasons and the natural rhythm of life, Spiritual places, standing stones, moors, wild beaches, woodlands are natures Cathedrals and yes sometimes I glimpse the past. I do feel the pull of the church though, especially since the new Pope came into office; I think he is a force for good. I respect people of all faiths and suspect we are all following different paths to get to the same destination eventually. Very simplistic but my beliefs are simplistic!

I don't do religion,I find it Brainwashes a lot of people,it causes divisions within society,if you pause and think about this,How much money are these institutions worth,yet they are supposed to be charitable,heard it.All they are is like a capital investment company that you donate money to.

Take the House of Lords for instance,how many Bishops sit in there with the Mafia Establishment making decisions that have nothing to do with religion.I find that unbelievable,as for child abuse by Bishops,Priests etc how many of these people went to jail.

My belief is yes we've been here before and we walk the same path,hence why a lot of people get Deja ' vu.

Blessed be. X

Fascinating reading vashti. One of your best. Loved it and completely get where you are coming from. A beautiful bit of writing. xx

I was brought up C of E but have never followed religion per se. I have met too many people who call themselves religious but who are narrow minded and intolerant of others. God in whatever religion you follow means love and acceptance and I have no time for those who don't practise this and try and impose their intolerance on others who have a different opinion. Too many so called religious folk are smug and don't practise what they preach.

Religion has been responsible for many wars but that is not the fault of the religion itself but the way it has been interpreted and used as an excuse to make war on others.

I suspect that each religion has a grain of truth in it and when the world ends each religion will come together, and together they will reveal the truth. I have no time for bigots. x

Pietba profile image

Think you are a lovely person love your story. Me - I saw too many miracles performed in front of my eyes not to believe - My Saviour Lives. I will respect your view and hope you respect mine. I just got this niggling question - If you are right I'm ok - if I'm right..........?

in reply to Pietba

Well put Pietba. Totally agree. x

James48 profile image

What a brilliant post, thank you. I think we all need some spirituality, not be confused with 'religion' in our lives. :)

redted profile image

My children's grandfather was a Romany gypsy,he too had a bow topped caravan,roasted hedgehogs,and lived the Romany life,he died aged 90, and with him went his Caravan,they are burnt,he came to live with my inlaws as he got old,the caravan was in the back of the public house my inlaws ran at that time,so yes I too have heard many stories,and the ways of their lives, religion is personal,so each to their own. No offence caused here.

Well my little friend you echo my sentiments. I too knew that church was not a belief system for me and I too found my mentor when I was about 18 who explained the ways of old. It is reassuring to know that there are others who follow the seasons and look for a more gentle way of life. Nor do I shout about my beliefs I prefer a more personal approach! Wishing you many years of happiness xxx

barnowl1 profile image

A lovely post Vashti, beautifully written. What a wealth of experiences you have had and thankyou for sharing them with us. Beliefs are personal and one should not find offence at others. barnowl

Nikkers profile image

Yet another beautiful piece of writing Vashti, and so true.

I was adopted by a very old couple and "made" to go to a place of worship whether I wanted to or not. Having established my own ideas at the age of about 14, and refused to go anymore. I've realised over the years how silly and needless this all is.

People need something to believe in and will always imagine a "better" place, or a deterrent for wrong doers, but to me seeing is believing - nothing less. I cannot understand why those who do "believe" think it's their right to convince others? Everyone to their own, but do it quietly because it's of no interest to anyone else. Like you, I'm for the "natural" way - it makes sense to me. I can see it, touch it and hear it and let's be honest, all religion was based on Paganism in the first place and churches built on old places of worship, so that has to tell you something - doesn't it?

phillips1 profile image

A lovely thoughtful post Vashti, yet again. It's good to see that it has produced a nice balanced discussion. Religion, or none, is such a personal thing. I myself am an atheist but I believe in helping others and showing kindness to all. Although I may not agree with them I respect everyone's views, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Jew or any one of the multitude of religions.

Bobby xx

bmb64 profile image

Hi!! I really enjoyed reading your post so interesting and sounds like you found a great friend in Reuben. Thanks for sharing :-) x

Offcut profile image

Well put once more. I do not hold any religious belief but respect those that do. What I do believe in is the human race has the ability to do good because it is in all our hearts and minds to do so. There are a few that cannot see past the pages of the book of their choice.

Be Well Be Good

mikeadams51 profile image

Very much support your ideas as I believe that conventional religious beliefs are the making and the downfall of the world in equal measures. I believe in the freedom to believe in whatever you want providing its not turned into a religion that can corrupt.

Well done for sharing your views as not many do who are not members of conventional religious cults

2malinka profile image

Wow! You have hit the nail on the head! My parents came from farms in Mayo & Co Roscommon & yes they were Catholics and raised their 6 children accordingly. When I turned 14 way back in 1964 I stopped attending weekly Mass & ever since have attended spasmodically. Some of it is to do with my COPD getting worse over the years (1/2 litre oxygen min 15 hours daily) but also because like you I feel that there is something far older than Judeo-Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism to explain life.

Really enjoy your blogs. Keep 'em coming.


Christine18 profile image

You sound like an amazing human being & one that I could talk to for hours........

Dragonmum profile image

A fellow old soul Vashti. We are the children of a vastly bigger existence than this one, we are a force for good or evil; our path through life is filled with choices and our cornerstone is belief in something, anything, even if it's just ourselves and the here and now. I think I belong to a church of one!

sassy59 profile image

Excuse me for being a bit behind as I did not see your post yesterday. Very interesting vashti. I consider myself not to be religious but to have a strong and determined spirit. I also feel that people are totally entitled to their own beliefs and I respect everyone's point of view.

There is so much around us that is good and great and I try not to dwell on the negative side of life but sometimes there is a lot of that around us too. Onward and upward I say despite poor Pete having to go at some point in the near future to the Royal Brompton Hospital to be tested for all and sundry. He cannot have his back op and maybe never will but then never say never eh?

You are an enthralling and inspiring person and I do try not to miss any of your posts.

Take care. xxxxx

helingmic profile image

Vashti, There’s wisdom in the tales from old folk sitting under an oak tree and playing the flute or smoking the pipe and reflecting on how the world is and should be. I can imagine this man or woman sitting there, welcoming you as you walk through the woods and a ray of light falling at his feet, guiding you to him.

You won’t offend me, as I am a committed Christian, and I do find especially the old tale of Christ in the new testament of the bible reassuring.

No, what I shall say to you is that life is a long journey. We go through many woods and clearings. Sometimes we rush headlong without noticing even our surroundings; sometimes we arrive at a place where there are wise men discussing round the fire and drinking the old rejuvenating potion and inviting you to share their drink. I’m glad we can go to so many different woods, seeing different people doing sometimes weird and wonderful things.

Sometimes we come across people who give us reassurance in life and we feel we have to stay awhile.

I met Christ and I thought he was reassuring, so I am staying for a while with him. Yet, I can see the road going in the distance and others still travelling further. Perhaps, I’ll go with other pilgrims further on this road too and tell them what I learned; because sometimes, we do learn a few things which can enhance us and be the old gipsy and pass the wisdom. Belief is a strange happening. Perhaps, one day, if we meet each other at the confine of the woods, by the clearing, we will lit a fire, make a good potion of refreshing tea and sit and talk of the magic that can come from one’s experience of the Divine. Perhaps one day, Vashti.

For now let me tell you an Indian tale, A man went Good night!

hufferpuffer profile image

Hello Vashti, I must catch up with all your posts!! I have been poorly sick with a cold for days... I've been enjoying this post and all the replies! I was brought up as a Catholic and was educated in a convent....a long time ago :) I loved hearing of the 'old ways' and I understand what Reuben meant about feeling the vibrations....

Still on the path of self-knowledge :D I believe that love and compassion is at the base of all religions and if all religions make the betterment of humanity their main concern, they can work together for world peace. I can't see your post offending anyone, it was a pleasure to read, please keep posting! now must catch up :D huff xxx

FarmerD profile image

Well put Vashti,I think I,m quite spiritual although not in established religion.Too many have died through established religions wars .I,m probably just an old hippie really lol but Don,t tell any one that.Cheers! D. :D

stilltruckin profile image

in reply to stilltruckin

That's beautiful...thank you

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