Open airways has anyone heard of Phyllowritin it's a medicine or tabs to open airways.i can't find it anywhere .
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Open airways

Hi colours23
I am not sure but, I think you mean Theophylline its a bronchodilator.
Hope this helps
All the best
Could you possibly be thinking of Phyllocontin:
I think your right Stilltruckin, I should leave it to the experts.
All the best
Hi Justin, no u are correct in that medicine , as they are thinking of putting me on it, keeps airways open and is given to patients with asthma, copd , but does have lots of side affects, just wanted to let u know it is a medicine used in respitory problems.
Xx Sonia xx

Great Sonia, but what's the exact name then, please?
Hi mic, Theophylline is the name if u google it it tells u all about it, I only googled it today after consultant said they are considering me for it, will find out next week what meds if any they are changing. Hope ur well. Xx Sonia xx

OK, Sonia, Check the side effects. It made me sick, I couldn't carry on with it after even a few days. Be careful, especially if you have weak guts.
Thanks mic, will do, I have 2 consultants , one thinks it to late to give it me with any benefits the other seems clueless and telling and asking me things that are already in my file, so annoying I've actually requested not to see the one anymore as she had no bedside manner, very dismissive just felt uncomfortable with her, but we will see how it goes. Xx Sonia xx

Stand up for yourself, don't accept that rotten consultant. State your preference and state categorically that you won't see the other one again.
B4 I used to be timid when docs said anything but not anymore, I might not have their qualifications and am grateful for the care but I won't be treated or spoken to as if I'm beneath them. Xx

I've just been to see a counselllor because of my wife's tranfer to a nursing home. I mentioned that I have this "friend" who lately said banters that put me down. My counsellor told me that this sort of thing hurt and I should tell him,; if not the relationship couldn't work properly in one is so far at the top and you down at the bottom. Going homw, I wrote on an A4 sheet in big letters: Stop grovelling, stand up for yourself. You know, it works, AND I did tell to this chap that what he was doing was hurting me that I didn't need this for a normal relationship. I felt good about it, and he stopped! so, indeed, stand up for yourself.
The really intelligent people don't mind sharing their knowledge and explain so you can be empowered too. Well done!

Read the name my doc.wrote down!! doc may have spelt it wrong,when I get prescription I'll let you know if it does help my breathing, it may be a natural thing,instead of steroids.
Ha,ha,ha! Many spelling "spoil the broth"! Check with you doctor, and take note what Malinka says, check the side effects beforehand
Think I'll wait till u get prescription as I've looked up phloretin and that a natural phenol from apple leaves helps with or to stop glucose absorption, so don't think it's that one. Xx
My doc.could of spelt it wrong,I'm sure I found it and it says a natural thing.i will be getting prescription today I hope,so I will tell you if it is a alternative to steroids.
Do you have it confused with Phyllocontin ? I take one x 225mg twice a day. It's readily available on the NHS
If doc has spelt it wrong sounds like it, I don't want to be more I'll,I will just stay in not move about .
I was prescribed phyllocontin and I felt nauseous and sick for three days. Also my pulse rate increased to 130. I had to stop taking it. Shame as it may have helped with opening my airwaves.
Anyway, it might suit you better.
Good luck
My doctor at hospital has spelt it PHYLLOWRITIN . So it may be different.surely a doc at the hos.would not spell it wrong!!!
My doctor at hospital has spelt it PHYLLOWRITIN . So it may be different.surely a doc at the hos.would not spell it wrong!!!
Thank you for your help.
I decided I do not get the support to take somthing to monitored every few weeks ,blood test, it has to be balanced or you will be ill so I have refused it to be looking for a more underlying problem like heart,so thanks to study. I've seen my mum recently take somthing that had interactions with she was ill if not for me ,stop taking them. Doc???