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A baby sparrow

huggs profile image
39 Replies

Here is a baby sparrow eating outside my door and just a few inches away from me. These babies are so tame that it is hard to keep them out of the house.

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huggs profile image
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39 Replies

Looks hard to resist and I bet they weren't short of food while you were around.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Argana,

I really just posted this photo to see if it would work or not, as a lot of my photos have been rejected as being too big. I know its not really all that interesting and will probably delete it tomorrow. There are a couple of photos of my cat Felix, and a few sunsets, sunrises, and views from the seafront if you are interested. The one of Felix posted today was actually posted by eyes for me, and she reduced it in size.

How are you? I have been meaning to look you up and see how you were doing. I have just been getting so bogged down at times. Hope you are keeping ok.

No the birds aren't short of food around here. Its lovely when the babies are waiting on my doorstep in the morning and are chirping with excitement, but then they gradually learn fear and not to get too close. I often wonder how that happens and think it must be instinct in them that makes them aware as they get older.

Keep well, and hope to be in touch soon. Take care, and nighty, night night.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

Wow hugs how do u keep Felix away, I know there common but they are lovely little birds. X Sonia x

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Hi Sonia,

I have an inner door that locks, so Felix doesn't get near them. However once when I opened the door, one flew in. Luckily Felix was sleeping in the living room, so I shut all doors leading from the hall, except the escape route, and then the sparrow landed on my artificial bay tree. LOL It was so funny, and my camera was in the room where Felix was and so didn't get a picture. Someone kind has just messaged me to say that it is not a good thing to give birds a lot of bread, and they prefer a broken up Weetabix. I also have bird feeders in the garden with seed and nuts etc.

love and hugs,

Huggs xxx

in reply to huggs

Hi hugs stale bread is ok cuz it hard and crunchy, soft bread gets stuck in their beaks/ throats. X Sonia x

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to

Thanks for that Sonia. Will be more careful in future as I don't want to harm them.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

redted profile image

How lovely,I have a bird table 4ft from my lounge window,I get lots of sparrows,and a pair of doves that have been coming for 3 yrs,it's great to watch how they look out for each other,we always feed the birds summer and winter,it's just so nice to watch them.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to redted

How great to have a bird table so close. I bet they keep you entertained for hours. Someone just messaged me to say that its not good to give them a lot of bread. I think it may cause them harm if they get too much. I didn't know that, so will stop, and get them Weetabix instead. I also have bird feeders with seed and things in the garden.

hugs from Huggs xxx

victoriablue profile image

How cute lovely picture I love watching the birds.

victoriablue profile image

How cute lovely picture I love watching the birds.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to victoriablue

Yes Victoria the birds are lovely to watch. The baby ones are so cute as well.

hugs from Huggs xxx

Ohtwo profile image

Sorry, I can not see your picture???? Only your words



huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Ohtwo

Oh I am sorry, but don't understand it, as it is there. Have you tried refreshing the page or something. I am not techie at all, so don't know what to suggest. Maybe someone will come on and offer a solution or explanation.

hugs from Huggs xxx

Ohtwo profile image
Ohtwo in reply to huggs

I see it now, well worth waiting for

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Ohtwo

Glad you have seen it now ohtwo, and pleased you like it. Don't understand what happened there. Must have been a glitch somewhere.

Have a good sleep,

hugs from Huggs xxx

dall05 profile image

Loving your pics huggs, especially the seals. Keep um coming as your pretty good at it. As they say a picture tells a thousand words eh' :)


huggs profile image
huggs in reply to dall05

Aww Thank you so much Tony, and I am so pleased that you are enjoying them. You have posted some good ones yourself. I have no more of the seals, as it is quite difficult to get a good one close up. Luckily most of them are quite tame around here and you can get reasonably close. The first one I posted, the seal on its own was taken from a small boat I was on.

hugs from Huggs xxx

Louisiana profile image

Lovely. I can't believe they are on their way to extinction...I do have a pair in my garden and i get worried if I don't see them every day. Have a lovely Tuesday :)

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to Louisiana

They are not in extinction around here. lol There are hundreds of them, and jackdaws. At other areas of the island there are all types of different birds, but I have no way of getting access to them. You have a nice day too.

hugs from Huggs xxx

scorpiolass profile image

Lovely photo Huggs & interesting. Love MX

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to scorpiolass

Thanks scorp,

Pleased you like it. Birds are so lovely. Hope you are well.

hugs from Huggs xxx

onamission profile image

Nature is fantastic my bungalow backs on to woods and when you are in the back garden all you can hear is birds its so relaxing we had a beautiful robin on our fence yesterday and then we have a family of squeal's who visit us at least 3 times a day

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to onamission

Nature is fantastic onamission. Couldn't agree more. You are lucky to back on to woods, and listen to all the birds. There is a wood starts about two minutes walk from where I stay, and at night I hear the owls. Keep enjoying the birds and nature.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

helingmic profile image

Fantastic! I'm glad the herring gulls don't go into my house because they are huge. The lady upstairs tried to feed one in her hands, but the beak is tough and the hand soft! So all the seeds fell. next thing, I heard flapping. it was the gull with estended wings on my window sills. It was too quick for me to jump on my camera. but what a wing span!

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to helingmic

Hi Michael,

The gull's wingspans are huge no doubt about it. I don't have many photos of gulls, flying just sitting around really.

Have you got your weatherproof trousers yet? It won't be long until you need them.

hugs from Huggs xxx

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to huggs

I'll see if I can find my latest herring gull. I have ordered the weatherproof trousers from Amazon. it's coming!

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to helingmic

Well done Michael, you were quick off the mark there. You do know that you will need to pose in them and take a selfie or have someone else do it, and post it. lol Your trousers will not take long in coming.

Looking forward to seeing your gull.

hugs from Huggs xxx

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to huggs

done! in new post where I could actually download the picture.

redted profile image

Yes I did know that bread is not good for birds,we feed no mess bird seed and fatballs

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to redted

I have them further up in the garden amongst the low trees, but am looking for different types of feeders to fend off the jackdaws. They will still get fed but jackdaws seem so determined and they frighten the smaller birds away. We have blue tits, chaffinches and robins as well.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

redted profile image

Meant to say it's like lots of people leave milk for hedgehogs which is not good for them,but they do like cat food.

redted profile image

We just get sparrows and the pair of doves,we used to have a pair of blackbirds every year,but not this year,I haven't seen a blackbird in our garden this year,so they really are getting rare, we have house martins in the eaves every year but they are so high up I can only hear them,and see them late on in the evening when the do acrobatics in the sky.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to redted

We usually have quite a few blackbirds, but not this year. There were one or two around in early Spring, and then none until this morning when I saw two. Its lovely listening to birds I think. Do you know I have a neighbour beneath me who has a holiday flat and lives in London most of the time, thank goodness. You will never believe this but he complains to whoever will listen about the noise of the birds when flying home at night to roost. The jackdaws all seem to gather around the bay and circle round and round and then fly off home together, and they do make sounds but it is not unpleasant or disruptive. The jackdaws arrive together in the morning as well.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

redted profile image

Forgot to ask have you looked on the RSPB web site to see if they have any ideas how to deal with the Jackdaws bullying.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to redted

No, I haven't even thought of that, as there are so many of them, and I don't want them going hungry either, but I will look up the website, as they can maybe advise on suitable feeders etc. Thanks for the tip.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

redted profile image

Ahhhhh,I didn't realise there were so many Jackdaws,lol. You would think that living and working in a city,that he would be only to happy to listen to the birds, there is no pleasing some people,

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to redted

He is just one of those people who complain about anything. His cousin ( the true neighbour from hell) lived above me and I think she persuaded him to buy the flat for his retirement. That would be about 6 years ago now, and him and his cousin have caused no end of trouble. His cousin (female) is the type that thinks she is in charge of the building and everyone in it, and is a compulsive liar, so they use to gang up on me and bully me, just because I was on my own and vulnerable, and living here all the time. She didn't and resented the fact that other people round about entrusted me with their house keys to keep an eye on things for them when they weren't here. She is just pure twisted, and she wound her cousin up and got him to report me to the council for having a satellite dish and not asking their permission!!! You cannot reason with people like that. The guy downstairs who complains about birds flying in the sky clearly does not like the country. He was here last week for two and a half days, which involved driving from London and back there. I think he might be putting his place up for sale, just as his cousin has. When he is here now he rarely goes out, so its a waste of money really. It takes all sorts and as you say there is no pleasing some people.

hugs from Huggs xxxx

redted profile image

You can certainly do without such neighbours,let's hope they both move out and you get some pleasant people move in,don't let the likes of them bully you into anything.

huggs profile image

I wouldn't ever again. They got off with a lot because I knew she wanted a confrontation and she constantly provoked me, but I did not react so she didn't get what she wanted. I wish I had really let her have it verbally at the beginning, and it would have stopped. I thought she would just get fed up with getting no reaction but it just made her behave in a more and more bizarre way, so then other people saw her true colours. I was also ill a lot of the time, which she knew and she played on that too. Never mind her furniture is all moved out now and she only appears once a fortnight for 10 minutes to check the flat. Its so peaceful now without her. Its great.

Feeling very sleepy now, so off to bed and read a while.

Have a good sleep,

hugs from Huggs xxx

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