well the weather has changed, colder and damp ,misty mornings and I`m coughing more ,more phlegm more shortness of breath feeling more depressed , got to start thinking positive and don`t let it beat me
weather: well the weather has changed... - Lung Conditions C...

Funnily enough, feel much better in this weather than in the heat and humidity of summer. Probably because I lived surrounded by fields and during the summer the tractors seem always at work....yuk.
fields sound nice,country side and wide open spaces
yes, very very pretty and peaceful but a nightmare for breathing in the summer. Having said that, I am a Londoner and still call it home even though I haven't lived there in over 30 years and I often wish I had never left there, but I wouldn't be able to handle the traffic fumes these days! Of course, when i was a child the only cars we had in London were Black Cabs and the occasional Rolls Royce...we used to tie a rope from railing to railing across the road so we could play tennis....can't imagine that happening now...oops here I go, rambling again...sorry.
Agree about the tractors......yuk. ...Theres one working in the field near our cottage, they grow several crops of flowers per year which is lovely to see. But its the mud which turns to fine dust they leave on the road......the cars and windows get covered.......its a real chore these days cleaning windows.
we all have our own ways of dealing with the short dark days before Christmas I find the use of a SAD lamp so useful in treating the winter blues my GP was reluctant to add anything to my arsenal of drugs so he always welcomed anything natural or holistic just so long as I tell him and count the blue days so far I am lucky with the weather as it is just dreading next week when it changes back to normal September days

what is a sad lamp
I also got a sad lamp last winter and found it great.It can stand stand on a desk or table beside you.It looks likr a small sun lamp but not.The rays from the light mimic the good rays in th e sun.It realy made me cheer up.Whit.Hope this helps
A SAD lamp is a simulated daylight lamp and no it is not a con or some one making a fast buck they do relieve the winter blues by putting it on for a period each day they one I have I got from Amazon.
I'd completely forgotten about the daylight lamp I have stashed away somewhere, I'll have to go and look for it
Hope it was some help whit.Did yoi get a lamp? Take care